Where do I start?


Hello all,

I started looking at different investments with the idea of getting a decent return on my money and some experience. I feel since joining this forum and looking through all the threads/posts I have managed to achieve greater confusion. There are so many different avenues to go down and I am a fond believer of starting as you mean to go on but the hypothetical train seems to have left me behind so far.

So with little experience, keen enthusiasm and lack of greed as my foundations - What books should I consider reading and where might I find a good place to start? My first post got no reply so maybe I am asking in the wrong place or this forum is above my station at the moment with my experience?


Al 🙂
Have a look at traderpedia there’s lots of info which helped me gain an understanding of what and how I want to trade. Like you say there are many “different avenues to go down” therefore replies will be varied.
I stared with candlestick charting as it interested me but watch many people will slate me for this! 🙂
trade your way to financial freedom by van k tharp was the first good book i read that really got me interested in trading.

