Where can I pIace this type of order?

the blades

Experienced member
Forex newbie here.....

I want to place a limit order to enter the market, and IF DONE place an both a profit limit and stop loss order around it (so 3 conditional orders) -I've just realised I can't place this type of ordr at CMCmarkets - Can I anywhere else?


Edit - and the title should be place, not lace!!!! 🙂
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Not sure who, but i'd imagine someone will. Worldspreads don't. I'd consider asking alpari, oanda, GFT. Sounds a bit advanced for forex spreadbetting brokers.
Use a broker who uses metatrader? Program it yourself?

bloody hell - clearly my knowledge of order types is limited (I only use simple limits) but I thought this would be standard stuff.

Seems to Rule out a current project as I can't be arsed to open an account with an fx broker🙁

Saxo Bank offers this

you just place an OCO contingent upon the limit order
the stop can be a trailing stop also

as mentioned, OANDA offers this too, but I don't think the stop can be trailing

bloody hell - clearly my knowledge of order types is limited (I only use simple limits) but I thought this would be standard stuff.

Seems to Rule out a current project as I can't be arsed to open an account with an fx broker🙁


IG Index do all of this and you can trail stops.

Up the owls!
Forex newbie here.....

I want to place a limit order to enter the market, and IF DONE place an both a profit limit and stop loss order around it (so 3 conditional orders) -I've just realised I can't place this type of ordr at CMCmarkets - Can I anywhere else?


Edit - and the title should be place, not lace!!!! 🙂
