1. 5+ consecutive losers should be looked at. Entirely possible but you should evaluate. I think I posted on here in my early days that I had 8 and was advised to pack up, have a beer and think about it all. Worked a treat as a I realised I didn't know what I was doing because I was trading a plan that required way more screen time than I had at that point.
2. 15% drawdown on account. Entirely possible but you should evaluate. If you're scalping no way. If you're swing trading ok, if you're position trading then this is probably minor.
3. Learn how you/your system behaves over a statistically significant sample of trades (min 50, 100 better) using real money. We all trade differently and you'll find with real money (and I don't mean 50pp) that if you are using any form of discretion that your system will generate quite variable results for a while. Until you can separate how well you execute a trade from how well your account is doing and all the baggage that goes with that, you'll find that results will be odd as you do weird sh1t that comes from protestant work ethics, fear of failure, hating yourself, poor relationship with siblings, you name it......
4. If you get to either point (1) or (2) then stop and evaluate coldly whether you are the problem (discretion) or whether your edge actually exists. Once you think you've figured out what it might be, adjust and start again...
If you find this post patronising, then I apoligise - it's just difficult to tell where you are from your OP