When will a Profit be realized trading ...


just a regular Call option ?

Example..... MCD currently trading at $93.55
The September $94 Call ( 28 days to exp. ) has a Bid of .90 and Ask of .98
So my question is, when exactly will I start to make a profit on my Call option?
Does the Option/Stock have to move.....
1. The .08 cents between the Bid x Ask spread
2. The cost to buy the Call for .98 cents
3. The difference between the $94 Call minus the price that the stock is currently trading at of $93.55 = .45 cents

So is the total required move in the stock, before I realize 1 cent of profit , $1.51 ( .08 + .98 + .45 ) ?

Thanks for the help, very much appreciated - Michael
just a regular Call option ?

Example..... MCD currently trading at $93.55
The September $94 Call ( 28 days to exp. ) has a Bid of .90 and Ask of .98
So my question is, when exactly will I start to make a profit on my Call option?
Does the Option/Stock have to move.....
1. The .08 cents between the Bid x Ask spread
2. The cost to buy the Call for .98 cents
3. The difference between the $94 Call minus the price that the stock is currently trading at of $93.55 = .45 cents

So is the total required move in the stock, before I realize 1 cent of profit , $1.51 ( .08 + .98 + .45 ) ?

Thanks for the help, very much appreciated - Michael

First off, it is not the Sept $94 Call you are talking about, you are talking about the SEP1 $94 call (.MCD140905C94)

In reality it all depends what happens to the Greeks, they are what will more than likely change the price of the option immediately.