When did you last have a fight with someone?

First one, bunch of nutters in a club started on my mate. He was having a friendly convo until they thought he was "gauging them for a fight" when he asked what the guys age was. They soon got kicked out the club...
Went outside early, got a call saying they were getting beaten up - Phil to the rescue, pushes em over then a swifty kick to a guys chests (at this time there was only 1 guy still on my mate when I got back).

2nd time, walking home from a club talking about the amount of chocolate gateau i was going to eat when i got back. I called my friend a gay because he was being an ass, some guy came up to me thinking i called him a gay. I said i didn't want any trouble. Pushed me once. I said don't do that again. Did it again. KO'ed him in the upper temple.

Unfortunately his mate came running from the ATM and supermanned me in the face. My mate took care of him. Also unfortunately, a car full of their mates started chasing after us until the meat wagon found us. The officer wasn't pleased when i said in the van "Man, I can't wait to eat that gateau".

Had one in a football match when i was wee (12yo). Tying my shoe laces and a guy stood on my back and jumped over me. Got him in a headlock and said "don't do that again" - he punched me in the throat when he stood up.

Not proud of any. Especially since alcohol was involved in the first two.
Carrying on from the other thread........

I have known of 1 or 2 people who fairly regularly seemed to get into physical altercations with other lads/men - be it on a saturday night out, or during a football match etc.

I've been subject to 1 or 2 minor scuffles playing football over the years, but these have resulted in me needing to restrain the aggressor and not become the aggressor by finishing, or adding to what they started.

I last had what i'd say resembled a proper fight about 14 years ago, but even that was just a case of me restraining an attacker by grounding them, without having to become "violent" myself etc.

When did you last have a fight/pysical altercation with an aggressor (or perhaps you were the aggressor!)? Where was you? what happened?

Unfortunately I've had quite a few punch ups in the past, when the red mist sets in thats it, I'm away...... It does take a lot to set me off these days though, it must be a youth thing,been a good few years since the last one... Can walk away quite easy now, I blamed the irish in me at the time...

Funny thing is though, my 4 year boy keeps having dust ups at day care, what do I do?
When the wifes around I say.. did you tell the teacher? ( 1 example of many is, and I aint joking either, one of the bigger kids hit him on the nose with a plastic spade and split the bridge of it) but when shes not around I say, did you hit him back twice as hard? Is this right or wrong? Should we teach our kids to defend themselves? Bloody too right in my opinion...its a jungle out there, ******** to this feminist crap
Funny thing is though, my 4 year boy keeps having dust ups at day care, what do I do?
When the wifes around I say.. did you tell the teacher? ( 1 example of many is, and I aint joking either, one of the bigger kids hit him on the nose with a plastic spade and split the bridge of it) but when shes not around I say, did you hit him back twice as hard? Is this right or wrong? Should we teach our kids to defend themselves? Bloody too right in my opinion...its a jungle out there, ******** to this feminist crap

Dont succumb to the feminist crap. Your not telling you son anything bad by instructing him to defend himself, especially against a bigger kid. If hes aggressive get him down to a boxing gym, or onto a rugby pitch.

My father was a boxing promoter and so I would consider myself capable of handling myself and more so a gentleman who will allways walk away. However, trouble does cross my path at times, especially in a place like Hull. I had a gang of about eight 19-20 yr olds attack me one night. I went to help an 'old boy' who seemed to be in a spot of bother. Everyone seemed to be calming down when I noticed my school chum had buggered off. I was unwittingly surrounded and could feel like I was about to be hit, an instict that has saved my skin many times, so I burst through the middle two ruffians with six of their mates all trying to land one on me. I bobbed about and ducked into a takeaway. I was swifly cornered, there was no way I was getting out of this, all eyes were nervously waiting to see what would happen and whether it would affect their takeaways. The little ringleader, a very nasty snarling type walked up to me like I was just going to let him hit me. He was on his back and didnt get up for a couple hours. I then had to fight my way out of the takeaway. I took all eight of them down that night. I became a ledgend. The punters in the takeaway actually applauded when I walked away without one bruise or cut on my face. Eight on one just aint fair.

My friend who is an oaf when drunk once said to a girl waiting for her pizza 'orite gorgeous', she said ' you effin say that agen an ill git me boyfrend', so he only goes and says it again. She stormed off, we thought nothing of it till...just as our pizzas are ready I see a flash of a blue coat as a big fat chav bursts into the takaway and clonks my friend on the head with a bloody rolling pin of all things! My best mate collapses momentarily, the chav is immediatly on me, I moved into him and he managed to still get me but nowhere near as bad as my mate, I got the pin off him, had him on the floor in an armlock. Then noticed warm stuff running down my face, looked at my mate who was gushing claret and then went beserk. Needless to say, he got some of his rolling pin action, I disticntly remember shouting to my friend "No! Not the head, only the body" while he was mid swing, only to hear a familiar clonk. The owners of that takeaway always have a laugh about the bloody rolling pin when I go in there.

As you will agree, the above are both situations when you cannot walk away. I think self defense is incredbly important, and it could save you life. I have no boubt that if I had been 'dropped' by that rolling pin, the chav would have gone to work big time.
No! I love my house. Its not like im the asshole who attacks people with a rolling pin.
lol, nope. My home is my castle and all that, plus the takaway in question is in a place a few miles away from me... it would take a lot more to have me running away with my tail between my legs...like the scorn of a tubby bird whos kebab I accidently knocked out of her hand...that will do it every time, the fear will be etched on my face like a death mask...
It occurs to me that all these karate, taekwondo, kung fu, muay thai, tai chi, jui jitsu, ai be cei, do rai mi etc. practitioners, might unwittingly become the most likely to be victims of violent crime.
Their confidence in their own ability to defend themselves should trouble occur, could bread complacency, they may even become cocky. Wereas the no neck weasel, will always be on heightened alert as they know full well they couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag, should the need arise.
It occurs to me that all these karate, taekwondo, kung fu, muay thai, tai chi, jui jitsu, ai be cei, do rai mi etc. practitioners, might unwittingly become the most likely to be victims of violent crime.
Their confidence in their own ability to defend themselves should trouble occur, could bread complacency, they may even become cocky. Wereas the no neck weasel, will always be on heightened alert as they know full well they couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag, should the need arise.

Only the ones who THINK they're good....... I've been clonked far too many times to think I'd get out of any fight unscathed. Avoidance is better.
It occurs to me that all these karate, taekwondo, kung fu, muay thai, tai chi, jui jitsu, ai be cei, do rai mi etc. practitioners, might unwittingly become the most likely to be victims of violent crime.
Their confidence in their own ability to defend themselves should trouble occur, could bread complacency, they may even become cocky. Wereas the no neck weasel, will always be on heightened alert as they know full well they couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag, should the need arise.

I have to say it so I will...the above is the biggest load of crap I have read for a while. Always walk away..and always hit first...it can never harm you to know how to look after yourself JT. Weasels? Wtf? Are they the characters who would let their best friend get a kicking?

I do agree with you Gumping on the part about people who think they are good, but I also know it is absolutely possible to remain unscathed in a fight as I saw my father successfully defend himself against two muggers when I was a young boy. However, if you are talking about fighting with somone evenly skilled or better than oneself like I suspect you may be than I agree 100%. I also subscribe to avoidance as mentioned in earlier posts, but sometimes your cornered and if your a weasel thats very bad news indeed.
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Well, I'll certainly be running at the first opportunity. Or at least merging into the shadows with ninja-like stealth and professionalism.
Yeah, you could use your Zai powers, being a Ninja is quite useful in that respect I can only imagine.
I have to say it so I will...the above is the biggest load of crap I have read for a while. Always walk away..and always hit first...it can never harm you to know how to look after yourself JT. Weasels? Wtf? Are they the characters who would let their best friend get a kicking?

I do agree with you Gumping on the part about people who think they are good, but I also know it is absolutely possible to remain unscathed in a fight as I saw my father successfully defend himself against two muggers when I was a young boy. However, if you are talking about fighting with somone evenly skilled or better than oneself like I suspect you may be than I agree 100%. I also subscribe to avoidance as mentioned in earlier posts, but sometimes your cornered and if your a weasel thats very bad news indeed.

I was merely forwarding a hypothesis. Those with good training will know 1st & foremost that avoidance, reading the signs/energy that act as a precursor to trouble etc. are the best option. (some of) Those who like to have their self defense expertise (or apparent toughness) tatooed across the chest, may well attract trouble, and may not be aware of trouble brewing etc. (however, those with good martial arts/self defense training are perhaps less likely to fall into this category, as they have been tought about reading the situation, avoidance, fighting hard, but only if there are no other options).
But in my experience, from the primary school upwards, the really tough people (and i'm by no means one of them), do not shout about it, play it down, distance themselves from their strength/s, avoid trouble etc. But there is something about them (mixture of physical and personality presences) that tells everyone that they are not to be messed with.
Those that don't look tough, don't act tough, and never experience trouble also are probably skilled in reading the situation & avoidance, and also never experience trouble.

As for myself, i have never been involved in a "street" conflict as an adult, nor have any of my friends (apart from with each other😆) when they've been out & about with me.

But i agree, basic self defense training, is pretty vital i would suggest, in this day & age. Picking up a good basic self defence manual that provides an insight & understanding of the pre- post conflict issues (reading the signs, changes in mood, avoidance techniques, making use of your peripheral vision etc.)is not a bad starting point either.
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But in order to avoid a random outdoors street style conflict, i think a lone persons best bet is to be able to run the 100M in maybe 13 seconds or less. This ability will always be highly effective, even if the person is clumsy, not good at reading the signs, unable to remain calm, unable to de-escalate a situation & negotiate etc.
But in order to avoid a random outdoors street style conflict, i think a lone persons best bet is to be able to run the 100M in maybe 13 seconds or less. This ability will always be highly effective, even if the person is clumsy, not good at reading the signs, unable to remain calm, unable to de-escalate a situation & negotiate etc.

Yeah, but vehicular assaults raise a number of issues-the main one being, you ain't gonna be fast enough. Fences and trees are always good, wait a minute-does that count as a fight, if nobody actually climbs out and assaults you, and you fight the car, Basil Faulty style with a tree branch?
Yeah well 13 seconds is not that fast really is it? And if they catch up with you, your breathing out of your ****, so you had better hide as quickly as you can, and not move, even to breathe. Oh yeah..and remember to put your phone on silent!
Two or three years ago, at a works Xmas party.. I'd imbibed rather a lot of red wine, and was checking my eyelids for peepholes, when I felt something touching my face. Opened my eyes and this young guy was trying to draw on my face with a marker pen.
When I challenged him, "Are you wanting a smack in the pus"(face), he said "Yes!"....

Was I right or wrong?
About 10 year ago, and it feels strange because I used to fight a lot at school. I guess its because I am now a mature adult. It just seems pointless and stupid now.