What's your ambition re trading?

When I blew up my first account and refused to go back to work, my wife changed a lot. She was one of these 'idealistic' people who didn't 'care about money. The trouble is she never knew me with no money. She was giving me a royal pain in the ass in ways I never knew possible, very subtle and all. So what I did was just left her and went back to a flat I owned. It was the best thing I did. Anyway, what I found is that almost everything is about money and what you should aim for is to have as much of it as you can. Social life is one big game about money, the rest is just flim flam. Marriage? It is about money. Friendship? It is about money. Everything is about money and people are full of sh!t. If you are keen to have that boat and fast car, you are playing society's silly game. The guy at my corner shop reckons I am on benefits because he sees me every day, morning and afternoon. I know because he told me and I didn't want to disabuse him. :D

The great French Novelist Honore de Balzac maintained that money is the primary driving force in all social situations and relationships, and his entire life's work is dominated by it. When you think about it more deeply it really does make you cynical about human nature.

For a long time I hated Shakespeare, though he was a pillock, but when I studied his plays closely I realised just how amazing an intellect he was. King Lear is an awesome tour de force on the nature of human relationships being corrupted by a change in money /power.
I'm happy to be married with a girl I met while I was still a pauper at Uni, who has gone through thick and thin with me since, but to be honest I still believe that the way most girls are fundamentally wired is to find a partner who either is already successful, or at least whose entire nature shouts that he has the promise of success in his future.

It's a character feature developed from biological influences after centuries of role modeling, a woman will seek out that partner who is most able to provide for her children.

It's sort of like men saying they look for a woman with character etc, but at the end of the day good looks certainly don't harm any girls chances of "mating", just like most girls would never admit that subconsciously or consciously they go looking for winners with whom to partner.

There's always the odd exception to the rule, but on the whole successful men with the aura and self-confidence that both begets and results from success have better and more chances of anything from one night stands to getting a good partner for life, while the same holds true for attractive women.

That I think is where some guys go wrong, if you have enough money to buy a sports car but are otherwise a loser the car alone won't get you free sex, whereas if you're a winner who hasn't made his pile yet you will be having fun.

Your last statement is alluding to the "Handicap principle" of Zahavi.
Looks like someone just realised his ambition.... to LOSE £3.7 Billion on the markets. French Employers nonchalantly say...OH WELL, looks like we need to raise £4 Billion....Would you TRUST them with a PENNY :)

All traders should learn who their real friends are before they make a fortune because when things become many those partaking of them become many and when it's all gone, so are they. Never tell anyone how much you have, only the middle class wannabes like to show off their wealth or is it DEBT! Really rich people are always trying to play down their wealth. Now where is that PENNY :)
Never tell anyone how much you have, only the middle class wannabes like to show off their wealth or is it DEBT! Really rich people are always trying to play down their wealth. Now where is that PENNY :)
I see where you are coming from, but I do not share your belief in the unassuming nobility of wealth.

If real wealth were really that understated the world would not have palaces, mansions and enormous stately-home on every corner that weren't just beamed down from space, the world would not have seen the biggest bull market ever in mega yachts getting bigger by the year or an exploding number of private jet planes, luxury cars would not be selling like crazy, etc.






It's just plain psychology and ego, when people have made their pile, they want to make sure that others realize that.

Not understated good manners maybe, but hey, we're just humans, right.
It's just plain psychology and ego, when people have made their pile, they want to make sure that others realize that.

Indeedy. Whenever people say, "He must have a small dick." referring to someone driving some sports car, I always want to ask, "So what do you call a woman who has a nice house? Bucket...". ie making up for something they're lacking...
Yup Ninja.

Although the joke is that given half a chance, 95% of the sort of people making comments like that would be the first to go racing to a showroom and driving off in something with 8 or so lovely cylinders.

Being realistic, another human trait simply is jealousy.

When people want that car but aren't willing to do what needs to be done to get it, they'll vent their frustration by badmouthing the car or the people having it instead.

They try and make themselves feel better that way, ie if they con themselves into believing that the car and it's drivers are crappy or lacking, they can then con themselves into believing that they are better off without it, lol.

Aren't people transparent, hehe.

If people would stop wasting a majority of their time on unproductive, destructive negativity, and start focusing instead on positive objectives, they'd really make life easier for themselves.
Yes! I think modern culture takes the easy route - belittling people rather than using it to motivate them to greatness. I know lots of people with very flash cars (brand new Lamborghinis and Ferraris). I am not jealous (or angry). Good for them that they can afford to buy and run one. I use the fact that they own the cars and are just normal people to focus so that one day I can afford to buy one with cash (well, banker's draft; not carrying £100k in cash on me).
Absolutely !

It always puts me in a good mood when I see some eye candy, be it on four wheels or on two legs.


Wouldn't life be boring without such stimulants.

Think I'll start work on that car thread next week :D
I will find it hard to hear that the following points are not the aims of at least 90% of full-time traders:

i- To become very rich individuals
ii- To be their own BOSS

The CFD Traders
I will find it hard to hear that the following points are not the aims of at least 90% of full-time traders:

i- To become very rich individuals
ii- To be their own BOSS

That is only part 1 of my plan to take over the world, though.

1) become rich
2) steal pants
4) rule the world
Stop trading.:D

Let my employees take over:D:D:D

While i sit on a beach somewhere in the caribbean:clap::clap::cool:(y)

Play some golf.:D:D

And have another holiday to get over the first one.:):)


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Rinse the markets of as much money as i can until i get really really bored of trading or just dont need the money anymore because i have got a supercar or ten

Then i will hopefully just do something i really enjoy and not care about the money, maybe be a teacher?

Thats not to say i dont love trading, i just cant see me doing it forever...
Yup Ninja.

Although the joke is that given half a chance, 95% of the sort of people making comments like that would be the first to go racing to a showroom and driving off in something with 8 or so lovely cylinders.

Being realistic, another human trait simply is jealousy.

When people want that car but aren't willing to do what needs to be done to get it, they'll vent their frustration by badmouthing the car or the people having it instead.

They try and make themselves feel better that way, ie if they con themselves into believing that the car and it's drivers are crappy or lacking, they can then con themselves into believing that they are better off without it, lol.

Aren't people transparent, hehe.

If people would stop wasting a majority of their time on unproductive, destructive negativity, and start focusing instead on positive objectives, they'd really make life easier for themselves.

The problem with that, BSD, is that even if everyone were to follow this stance this still does not change the fact that very few make it. There are loads of people with positive attitude, don't envy others, don't indulge in negativity, etc. . . and yet they still don't make it, because that's how life is. Nobody wants to hear that, but it's the sober truth.

At the other end of the spectrum you have the fools/idiots who are born into wealth and power, and they just indulge themselves, being of no use to society or anyone else, but mainly harmless none the less. Certain people who make it big as models/actors through not so much hard work but luck and circumstance start taking drugs, binge drink, getting wasted, making the headlines with their outrageousness, probably because deep down they either don't believe in their own BS and fear it might go away, or else they don't know what to do with themselves and their change of fortune.

This is all a mess, a total utter mess, and it's called the human condition and I don't think it will ever will change.

My personal take on this is that society has imposed some kind of excessiveness into us. You see it everywhere with all these tacky gossip magazines. It's sad, because we all end up comparing/aspiring to be the kind of people we read/hear about. There's always an aggressive hierarchical need to aspire to the alpha status and to who represents it.
I just want to be able to pay the monthly bills without working as i did. Then get enough together to take my family away for a holiday then try and reduce my mortgage to a level where i can just trade to make ends meet with a bit more on the side just in case.
My personal take on this is that society has imposed some kind of excessiveness into us. You see it everywhere with all these tacky gossip magazines. It's sad, because we all end up comparing/aspiring to be the kind of people we read/hear about. There's always an aggressive hierarchical need to aspire to the alpha status and to who represents it.

Yep. A few enlightened ones won't succumb, though. ;)