What's this Elliot Wave Indicator for the FX market all about?

<quote>these faulty charts are the key to success</quote>

..er...what success?

Carpe eventually admitted to being slightly selective in the results he was posting, Bramble had a shocking live test and I have had a few goes and no trades at all came up (this was in 5pm to 7pm slots).

Establishing there is success to be had at all even with faulty charts is step one, surely.

But really... I think that enough slightly stained water has gone under the bridge here- most of the initial players on this thread have lost interest, retreated licking their wounds, got a refund (from credit card companies- Brian would not give me a refund, though he's still delighted to spam me with his latest schemes!) .

One thing I feel I got out of the 4xTrend nonsense (and it is nonsense) is an understanding that forex is full of Brian Campbells, and who can blame him/them when there are so many looking for a quick fix solution route to the malibu mansion? What followed; back to basics, and a much deeper study of candlesticks (and other 'real' bread and butter elements - I'm even (gasp) reading the news...) which has brought greater rewards than sitting gazing at Marketscope charts for a 4xTrend 'perfect trade' ever could. For which I say 'thank you Brian'.

Maybe that's going a bit far...
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Torch said:
<quote>these faulty charts are the key to success</quote>

..er...what success?

Carpe eventually admitted to being slightly selective in the results he was posting, Bramble had a shocking live test and I have had a few goes and no trades at all came up (this was in 5pm to 7pm slots).

Establishing there is success to be had at all even with faulty charts is step one, surely.

But really... I think that enough slightly stained water has gone under the bridge here- most of the initial players on this thread have lost interest, retreated licking their wounds, got a refund (from credit card companies- Brian would not give me a refund, though he's still delighted to spam me with his latest schemes!) .

One thing I feel I got out of the 4xTrend nonsense (and it is nonsense) is an understanding that forex is full of Brian Campbells, and who can blame him/them when there are so many looking for a quick fix solution route to the malibu mansion? What followed; back to basics, and a much deeper study of candlesticks (and other 'real' bread and butter elements - I'm even (gasp) reading the news...) which has brought greater rewards than sitting gazing at Marketscope charts for a 4xTrend 'perfect trade' ever could. For which I say 'thank you Brian'.

Maybe that's going a bit far...


For what it's worth, I did finally get a refund. I contacted 2checkout.com, and they refunded my money...
Tekunda said:
I repeat myself again: Maybe this is THE secret to having success. Maybe because of a crazy mechanism we will never understand these faulty charts are the key to success and the system would loose with proper charts?
Is this such a strange idea? Has nobody ever thought of that besides me? ;-)

Sorry but what you say is only possible if the indicators produce consistent signals; which they dont. If a system **does** give an edge its not necessary to know at all how the indicators are calculated ( in this case there is no such thing as a 'wrong' indicator ); you can just trade the signals generated - however for whatever reason these indicators are not always at the same values for the same price data - it could well be a bug in the charting package -
I havent thought of what you said because its not on balance really worth considering or pursuing further - there are so many other more worthy approaches to trading.
lol..you gotta laugh at this dudes persistance considering the posts on this thread....I've high lighted the part that had me rolling in stitches...the sincerity of it all 😎

C&P of email

"Happy New Year !
I really wish for you that 2005 will be a truly superb year
for you, financially and in all areas of your life. Make
this year be YOUR year of success!

This email (as I promised to send) is to give you more of a
"heads up" of the changes that are happening. Some of you
have been wondering why I am doing all of these things, and
I'll be happy to explain it to you in this message.

In about a week you'll be receiving the email I told you
earlier about giving you the opportunity to upgrade to the
"Supreme Package" for just $39 (the insane offer I mentioned
earlier). Be sure to look for that email which will come

Many of you (those of you who have been with me for a while)
know that I have some ambitious plans - plans to share some
of the awesome things I have learned over the years that may
help you to achieve your own financial freedom.

My biggest challenge over the past few months is that as
4xtrend grew I have found that the mundane tasks of just
running it were taking up an enormous amount of my time.
It became much like a full-time job for me. or really like
two jobs. I was finding that it was becoming impossible for
me to spend any time working on the inspiring ideas I wanted
to share with all of you. In short I was rapidly burning out
and realized that I had to make some changes.

My first solution (as most of you already know) was to hire
an employee to handle all the emails that I kept on receiving.
This helped immensely, but still there were many emails that
only I could answer. I am still working to improve upon that

I also realized that working alone (not counting that first
employee that now does my emails) I could only accomplish a
small percentage of the larger vision I have. Thus over the
past couple of months I had been orchestrating the formation
of a new company, "Abundant Freedom LLC", and it's
accompanying website "XXXXXX".

I have partnered up with Robert Borowski (AFS) because he is
really a nice guy, and his skills compliment mine. Working
with him is helping me to create the vision I am working
towards (as will be explained shortly).

We have already hired two other employees to work with us
(we expect to be hiring even more soon) making the current
total (including ourselves) of four people working together
towards this project.

I have been spending much time recently working on creating
this new company. Believe me, it takes a lot of effort to
get all of this started. I am still working hard on getting
everything done, and expect that by the end of January all
the pieces of the puzzle will be fully in place.

In February I will be taking some time off from all of this
(I need to spend some time with my family) but by then I know
that the company, like a well-oiled machine, should be able
to continue without my direct involvement.

So as you can now see the reason for developing this company
is to be able to fr.ee up my time from the mundane tasks of
just making it run so that I can focus on the more important
things. Heck, now I can even take a vacation without worrying
that it'll fall apart while I'm gone.

What are some of the more important things? Well, aside from
taking nice vacations and spending time with my family (which
is VERY important to me), I'll now be able to focus my time on
the creative tasks to provide you with more and more good stuff.
I have a few more books that I would like to write (including
the the "Fibonacci Masters Course" through XXXXXForex) as well
as many other articles (my mind is loaded with stuff I can't
wait to be able to share with you). We also plan to implement
a mentorship program mentioned much earlier (I've come up with
a new way to do this so that all of you can benefit from it,
not just 5 to 10 students as originally thought). There are
other goodies that I have already envisioned for you, but I'll
leave some of this for later (one step at a time, right?).

I have a personal mission, and have made it into the mission
of the whole company (Robert and the employees are well aware
of the mission too). I have put up the abbreviated mission
statement in a very prominent place on the new website - the
top right hand corner.
Here is the statement that you now see on the website:

Provide the best quality and most complete FOREX training
program at the lowest pri.ce so that all may have access to
this life changing opportunity.

Like I said, this is an abbreviated mission statement - it
is impossible to fit the whole thing in such a small space.
Later I will make it a clickable link to be able to read the
whole thing. I won't elaborate upon it here, but will say
that it gets to be a little bit more altruistic.

So what does this mission statement mean? It means that this
year (2005) we are building to fulfill the vision of making
quality FOREX information af.ford.able and available to
everyone. We will take FOREX out of the exclusive hands of
the elite and place it into yours! We have planned at least
8 other books to be written to cover other important topics
pertinent to FOREX trading. As we are not experts in
everything we have even made arrangements to have certain
topics written by others who are more knowledgeable about
those subjects (i.e. I have absolutely no current knowledge
or experience with Gann lines). We will provide you with
all the same information you could learn if you took over
$20,000 worth of training for just the $39 upgrade to the
Supreme Package along with your participation in the
Resources Section (where it'll be available for download).

A few people have emailed in the past pointing out the typos
and grammatical errors that I have over looked when creating
the eBooks. To those of you who really care about such stuff
(I personally am more concerned about content than an
occasional typo) I just wanted to let you know that we also
plan to have a professional editor go through all the books
to fix them up later. By the way, the periods inserted into
certain words in this and other emails are intentional as it
helps to bypass email fil.ters, and so this is not a typo.

A couple of people have emailed me wondering why I'll be
charging for the Resources Section. First of all, I am
making it available to you for just $9 a month.
Why the charge? Well my friend, as you can see we are
going to great effort and expense to have this all put
together for you. We've even got an employee
(whom we are paying for) to manage the Resources Section
and to provide you with even more useful services.
There are many other subscription services that
are inferior to what we have to offer charging from $100
to $300 per month. The $9 we are charging is really to help
us to cover costs. and we are putting a lot of expenses into
this. Furthermore, as long as you maintain your membership
I promise that we won't raise it on you (but if you cancel,
it will be $39/m or more to rejoin later). Bottom line is
that the only way that we can provide all of these wonderful
products and services is to get you to chip in to help cover
the costs. Yes, XXXXForex is a business and we expect that
after paying off all the employees, office rent, and other
related costs that we'll have some profit left over for us
(as any business should).

Speaking of business and profits this reminds me to
announce another new thing for all of you. Many of you have
emailed us over the past several months asking if we have an
af.fili.ate program. We listened to your requests and we
bought some expensive affiliate software from some company
(we researched this topic extensively) and have created it
for you.

Robert and I have been averaging between $10,000 to $20,000
per month promoting our websites on a shoestring budget, and
now you can too. (Side note - yup, promoting 4xtrend made me
more money than trading FOREX some months, which is good in
my books because I have spent sooooo much time doing stuff
for you guys that made me miss many good trades over the
months. At first I was upset with myself for having let
4xtrend distract me from trading, thus loosing income, but
after I thought about it I realized that helping you guys was
more important to me, and the income from 4xtrend
compensated for the lost trading time.) We decided to create
a VERY generous affili.te compensation plan so that you
too can make that kind of money yourself. we believe that it
is the most generous in the industry. In fact we strongly
believe that you could make as much as we have in the past
because your com.pensa.tion per sale will be larger than we
used to get since we've increased the price of the courses
(since we've added much more to it).

I am working hard to put together a complete tutorial on how
to promote the XXXX Forex affiliate program, including
videos, so that even if you don't know anything about how to
successfully promote af.fili.ate programs you'll learn
everything you need to know. Seriously, from my experience
from doing these activities myself I KNOW that if you do
these things yourself that you too can expect a great in.come.
Honestly, if you have only $300 to start your FOREX trading
with then I'd recommend that you use that money to
advertise the affiliate program, then after you have_made
over_$2,000 to take $1,500 into your trading account and
continue promoting the af.fili.ate program with the rest
(then adding of course to your trading account later).

The program is already accepting applicants (no-one will be
denied), but the tutorials will be available in about one to
two weeks (again, I am working hard to make them for you).
To read what we currently have about the program go to:


If you want to join the program then go to the link above,
and enter your name and email address in the form. If you
already know how to promote affilate programs then you'll
be able to be the first to go nuts with it. Soon you'll
also have our tutorials to further help you.

IMPORTANT - we absolutely DON'T tolerate ANY *sp*am*
whatsoever! Don't do it or else we'll crash down hard upon
you! We are VERY serious about this, so please just don't
do that.

Let's see, what else was I to tell you about. Hmmm. I think
I've pretty much covered it all. Remember to be on the
lookout for the email that will be coming to you in about a
week. Now I'm off to continue working on stuff to make sure
it'll all be ready for you next week, that and partying for
New Years.

Once again, I wish you tremendous success throughout 2005 as
a FOREX trader and in all areas of your life. Make 2005 YOUR
year of Success!

Many blessings!
Brian Campbell
President, Infinite Limits Inc.
President, Abundant Freedom LLC.
Hi Beachie41,

Yup, I got that too, even though I dont use it !
01: This seems to be a new variation on pyramid-schemes, network-marketing, etc.
Making money, NOT by trading, but by getting other people to sign up.
There was another one yesterday about "matrixes" etc.

02: This Elliot Wave thread seems to be predominantly about how awful 4xtrend is.
I must admit I havent really learned anything about Elliot Waves themselves, and how to identify them, or comparatives with other Elliot-based systems.
In short, I dont think I am learning anything here.

This thread is useful only to ensure others read the views here before buying 4xtrend.

I wonder if this thread is on the final GrandCycle Bear Wave.
Not waving, but drowning.
Did anyone ever get the right formulas for these Elliot indicators?

I would really like these indicators for c++ or MT. Can anyone help?
Hi Guys,

I recently bought 4xtrend and was very impressed. I've also set up my FXCM demo account but am having a hard time figuring out how and where to get use of the Elliot Wave indicators. I cant find it as a plug-in, can anyone tell me exactly where to get it? I'd really appreciate it.

RapidForex - Just bought - Excellent Customer Service


Last week I bought the Supreme Package from RapidForex because part of my trading plan is to trade Forex and/or perhaps the emini Russell. The appeal of the Forex is being able to trade in none work hours. I work at a church in men's ministry and love my work and have been searching for a trade system that works - I am very hopeful with this package and seeing your comments. I must say Rapid Forex's customer support is excellent.

Do you know where I might find the indicators mentioned in the Educational manual for Tradestation 2000i?

Have you thought about trading other world wide Forex markets?

Market Open Close

New York 8:00 13:00 EST
Canada 10:00 15:00 EST
Tokyo 17:00 22:00 EST
Australia 19:00 0:00 EST
London 1:00 5:00 EST

I don't know anything about what is involved but plan on finding a mentor in this area.

Jeff - USA
Concerned about Rapid Forex

I recently purchased the Starter Package which, supposedly, included one month of access to the Resource Section. Unfortunately, I was not informed prior to purchase of the package that I must subcribe for an additional fee to the Resource Section in order to receive the FREE month. To make matters worse, the EW Chart plug-in for FXCM is only available from the Resource Section...so I'm not able to make use of the Rapid Forex system unless I subscribe. This clearly is a case of misrepresentation on their part. I would only expect this type of marketing tactic from a scam operation...not one with a high level of integrity. So which one are they???
Haven't looked at 4X (or whatever they're now called) for quite some time.

The EW plug-in was part of the deal when I had a look way back. But largely irrelevant as the FXCM chart feed was quoted by FXCM themselves as been unreliable. Never heard if they got the bugs out or not. Rather killed the whole thing.

As for scam or integrity - check the thread above and make your own mind up.
Second Look?

TheBramble said:
Haven't looked at 4X (or whatever they're now called) for quite some time.

The EW plug-in was part of the deal when I had a look way back. But largely irrelevant as the FXCM chart feed was quoted by FXCM themselves as been unreliable. Never heard if they got the bugs out or not. Rather killed the whole thing.

As for scam or integrity - check the thread above and make your own mind up.

I must admit that a while back I thought Brian was ripping us off and especially after I found out that FXCM reported the Market Scope charts were still in beta and not reliable.

However, I've been corresponding with a gentleman in the US who's using the rapidforex.com Supreme Package and last month made 18 out of 19 successful trades on an FXCM $50K demo account - I saw the demo account report with my own eyeballs.

In one month's time, he increased the demo account to $59K. And, he did this using only one of the multitude of strategies he found in the Supreme Package...

Now, I'm not endorsing anything here. But, you might want to re-think rapidforex.com and Brian Campbell - he now has a partner (Robert something) who has some of his own FX success strategies. Apparently, the "Options" related FX material the gentleman in the US got in his package is really paying off.

Food for thought...


The options part of the deal was IMHO truly innovative and I have incorporated that into one of my own strategies.

But the chart/indicator one died a death for me.

TheBramble said:
The options part of the deal was IMHO truly innovative and I have incorporated that into one of my own strategies.

But the chart/indicator one died a death for me.

Hey Bramble,

I could use your help with something I see all the time on the Internet, but have never understood what it means...

What does "IMHO" stand for in web jargon?



TheBramble said:
In My Humble Opinion (which is usually a mask for quite the opposite.... 😎 )

This might be useful.


Got it! Thanks Bramble.

Hey Bramble, are you making any good pips with the Advanced Options strategy from rapidforex.com? If so, how long did it take you to digest and implement the strategy outlined in this material?

Thanks again. Have a nice day.

Believe the originator of the EW Oscillator was Tom Joseph for his Advanced Get charting program which features EW labeling.

Some EW MetaStock code under E: http://trader.online.pl/MSZ/!-MSZ-index-en.html

Following is MetaStock code for an EW Oscillator:

Lg:=Input("Long Average:",5,240,35);
St:=Input("Short Average:",1,200,5);
A:=Input("Style AlphOmega=1 Aget=0",0,1,1);
eoa:=Input("Display MA 8 bars:",0,1,0);
B:=If(Outside() AND Ref(H,-1)>Ref(H,-2),H,If(Outside() AND
Ref(L,-1)<Ref(L,-2),L,If((Outside() OR Inside()) AND
C>O,H,If((Outside() OR Inside()) AND

The attached 1998 pdf may help to clarify EW based trading.


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i was also surprised by the legitimacy of rapidforex.com. the advanced options strategy has particularly paid off for me, it best suits my "personality needs", but i wouldn't recommend trading for real money using only the elliott wave system, just too much lag in my opinion.

im also a self-taught semi-expert using bollinger bands. when i watched the advanced options strategy, and put a bollinger band on the advanced ops chart, it set the lightbulb in my head off and helped me realize more accurately when a price will "walk the band" and when it will "bounce off the band". great stuff.
maverick7h said:
i was also surprised by the legitimacy of rapidforex.com. the advanced options strategy has particularly paid off for me, it best suits my "personality needs", but i wouldn't recommend trading for real money using only the elliott wave system, just too much lag in my opinion.

im also a self-taught semi-expert using bollinger bands. when i watched the advanced options strategy, and put a bollinger band on the advanced ops chart, it set the lightbulb in my head off and helped me realize more accurately when a price will "walk the band" and when it will "bounce off the band". great stuff.

So Maverick, do you think it's worth my while to purchase the Advanced Options material from rapidforex.com? Does the Advanced Options info utilize the EW and the Bolinger Bands?


yes and no

Mark Hellikson said:
So Maverick, do you think it's worth my while to purchase the Advanced Options material from rapidforex.com? Does the Advanced Options info utilize the EW and the Bolinger Bands?


I would recommend the advanced options material. One of the biggest reasons people fail trading forex is not their lack of education or intelligence, just their lack of discipline and their difficulty sticking to a system and not acting on emotions. IMO, the advanced options strategy is the easiest for me to remove my emotions from. I would also recommend a subscription to the resources section. I have the supreme package however, and have to say that the "forex surfing" and "explosive profits" techniques are also quite useful, and i'm looking forward to the future publications (which it is clear now actually WILL be coming).

I guess there can be a big difference between $100 and $300 though, depending on your budget. That considered, the advanced options package is a great place to get started. Its a very powerful system, but very simple in its ease of use. Once you're in profit, you can always upgrade. Considering others really do charge 10x as much for the same or inferior info, rapidforex truly is a pioneer, and quite young as a site themselves.

The EW is a completely separate strategy and they are not meant to be used together. It is included in the advanced options package though.

As for bollinger bands, rapidforex doesn't use them in any strategies yet, as they are a move advanced indicator, when used properly, but if you'd like to learn about them, the best place to start would be to buy the book "bollinger on bollinger bands". Nobody can explain a system better than the person who invented it.

maverick7h said:
I would recommend the advanced options material. One of the biggest reasons people fail trading forex is not their lack of education or intelligence, just their lack of discipline and their difficulty sticking to a system and not acting on emotions. IMO, the advanced options strategy is the easiest for me to remove my emotions from. I would also recommend a subscription to the resources section. I have the supreme package however, and have to say that the "forex surfing" and "explosive profits" techniques are also quite useful, and i'm looking forward to the future publications (which it is clear now actually WILL be coming).

I guess there can be a big difference between $100 and $300 though, depending on your budget. That considered, the advanced options package is a great place to get started. Its a very powerful system, but very simple in its ease of use. Once you're in profit, you can always upgrade. Considering others really do charge 10x as much for the same or inferior info, rapidforex truly is a pioneer, and quite young as a site themselves.

The EW is a completely separate strategy and they are not meant to be used together. It is included in the advanced options package though.

As for bollinger bands, rapidforex doesn't use them in any strategies yet, as they are a move advanced indicator, when used properly, but if you'd like to learn about them, the best place to start would be to buy the book "bollinger on bollinger bands". Nobody can explain a system better than the person who invented it.



Thanks, so much, for your observations and insights into this company's products. I look forward to purchasing and using them. In your opinion, is one of their products better than another to begin with?

Thanks again. Really appreciate your input here...
