Whats the Best T2W has to offer?


Junior member
Hi all,

Im not a frequent poster here but I am on another trading forum. Im making a move over here because I think I have read everything that the other forum has to offer. What I would appreciate are some pointers towards some interesting threads and/or posters. Im not ATALL interested In any chart pattern trading threads or Indicator based methods, just so you all know.

Im sure the long-time members will be much more able to help me out here, because they will have seen the good threads and posters come & go, and likely have a pretty decent Bull-S**** detecter. It might take me a while to find the good stuff on my own, this place seems massive.

Cheers Guys and dont be shy.

Im looking for Market microstructure and Ordeflow related threads/posters.
If T2W for dummies is a kind of Rookie related area then I doubt Ill find anything usefull there.
I'll be interested to know if you get anything ... here or anywhere else on the web.