What's missing

Hey S

can you Summarise again what this will give you .....

Global predictive inflation indicator ?
Risk on Risk off meter ?
Volatility index ?

then a few more may be able to offer some ideas and thoughts

for me I am always interested in the ole heat map approach where we just look at where global funds are flowing......and chase them !

You see here's the thing... I don't think it is. I think she's a beautiful ballet dancer who you need to feel up. Don't watch the dance and forms properly and you get hit with a spinning foot.

what I meant was that the market is a zero sum game, all winning traders are directly paid by losing traders - in the simplest form. it follow when you are trading you are going against the sum total of all the other participants who are trying to take money from you, hence why I said the market is a whore.

if you think the answer to trading profitably is more market analysis then you could be in a some a long painful journey to nowhere. maybe you are better of trying to find an edge in your chosen market and trading it? just speaking from experience init.

most people do more market analysis to try and avoid losing in one way or another, it's just another avoidance strategy that our minds invent. also it allows us to blame the market if we lose and you dont want to be doing that.
its good to give this stuff a go.

Ive seen you around on the forums scoose-no-doubt, you seem a clever chap, do u trade as a hobby or are you self-employed?

Can I say if you want to break into econometric modelling, try a book by Chris Brooks. Its a nice introduction to time series as well as cross sectional/panel modelling
its good to give this stuff a go.

Ive seen you around on the forums scoose-no-doubt, you seem a clever chap, do u trade as a hobby or are you self-employed?

Can I say if you want to break into econometric modelling, try a book by Chris Brooks. Its a nice introduction to time series as well as cross sectional/panel modelling

.........and are you a leo or Virgo ?

S youve pulled........hahahahahaha 😆

I'm a hobbyist really. Just want to get a handle on things for when I hopefully earn some decent money in the future. Fancy a go at managing my own investments with a bit of short termism thrown into the mix. That's the dream anyway.

I don't use any statistical software I just excel it all. It's the only thing I can be bothered to learn to use with the limited time I have.

it looks to me that what you're trying to model is a long term investment model which may, or may not, give you a useful bias for shorter term trading. That's doubtful though - the dotcom bubble that you point to giving an interesting disconnect did, nonetheless, persist for some time and caused a lot of people who recognised that disconnect to lose a lot of short term money on the way as they fought the bubble. Whether they had enough left to recover it all when it burst is a moot point 🙂
No I wouldn't use it at all for shorter term trading. I think you either play the book or mean revert in the shorter term or your goose is cooked.
I'm a hobbyist really. Just want to get a handle on things for when I hopefully earn some decent money in the future. Fancy a go at managing my own investments with a bit of short termism thrown into the mix. That's the dream anyway.

I don't use any statistical software I just excel it all. It's the only thing I can be bothered to learn to use with the limited time I have.

3931 posts and you dont trade. are you kin retarded. what a waste of your time. time is valuable dont you know. wake up and smell the morrisons value roast.
Can't really afford to place any meaningful capital at the moment mate. You seen how much mortgage deposits are these days? One step at a time, fam!
I was going to send you that Global Wave stuff but PMs don’t seem to allow attachments. Drop me your email if you want me to send it over.
Can't really afford to place any meaningful capital at the moment mate. You seen how much mortgage deposits are these days? One step at a time, fam!

plenty of capital out there:

Stocks - prop firms will gear you up 20 to 1 with tiny deposit
Futures - some firms will let you tarde ES with c. $300 intraday margin
FX - crazy leverage available.
Bonds - ok you prob need a wedge to start here.

point is a reasonable goal is to make 20 ticks/pips/points per day, you dont need much capital for that to make meaningful profits.

what you are doing is avoiding trading to keep you 'safe' from losses. not knocking you just pointing this out.

mortgage - unless you are buying in prime London forget buying everyone knows property is 50% overvalued in the UK, I own 2 properties and wish I didn't. if you are serious about trading I would advise getting your monthly outgoings down and reducing the pressure on yourself, u cant trade scared money.