Whats in a name? Why are you called

Walking on fire has an air of mystery around it, just like trading.

In both cases people believe it has something to do with psychology. But in essence it comes down to a basic physics. Trading comes down to basic supply & demand.

Both share a common misconception, upheld by some, that only a few can do it because it requires some sort of extraordinary talent or skill.

And 99... well that's my age, obviously 😆
Why are you called...?

Thought it might be interesting to see why people choose their usernames? (OK, I have time to kill...)

Mine has nothing to do with the Italian poet, it is simply my middle name.

Anyone else care to give their reasons?

I noticed a printer the other day that was called MP6140 or something very similar...is this where he got his inspiration?

Contains my initials, tells u what i do, but has nothin to do with the jtrader trading program, i only learnt about that later!
...but weren't you named after him? Or was it just a very hot day when you were born? 🙂
had done loads of reading about trading, and was drawn to trend-following as my preferred approach. (Dennis, Turtles, etc)

If I had a chance to rename myself (not trying to take this off-topic) I would call myself myrtle_turtle!
Because on the internet every reasonable permutation of my first and/or last names are taken, and Mathemagician is a lot easier for me to remember than a series of jjoseph198457 type IDs.

I used to use various talkers and MUDs under the name "Ninja". Then, on one of my favourite talkers (Surfers) when I lost net access for a year, someone took my name as it auto-deleted names after 3 months of non-usage. So, I had to think of another name. Now, at the time (1994... yes, I'm an old git... yes, I was there before the web was born) Valley Of The Shadows was a big hit in the jungle scene and one of my favourite tunes of the time... so... "Shadow" + "Ninja"... ta da, as they say.

PS No, I am not one of "da rude bwoy junglist massive".

I was going to say that. Now I'll have to think of something else witty.

What a gay day.

Its my user name on all Internet forums so i don't have to remember different ones, have had it since i was young so its named after my best album (at the time).

Thinking about it, its old and i dont like it anymore, can you change it for me please wasp?