Whats best for a beginner ?

I have a demo on ETX Capital but I wanted to start trading in Forex demo account but got advised I should start with indices first ... ?

I looked at the ETX Capital site but cant see where you sign up for the demo. Can you provide a link please?


I would suggest you only trade one security for a while (on one TF) on whichever platform you choose. Personally, In your situation, I'd trade cable, off a ten minute chart. That should in theory give you 4/5 trading opportunities per day; from 7 onwards..low spread 2-3 pips, G.Stop another 3 and with 5 trades per day you'll take on a lot of experience/learning..

Do that for a month/six weeks, start on the smallest trade size as possible, I'm sure IG still do their trade sense programme offering ten pence bets, practically as low as being on demo only, but will concentrate your mind a bit. If you have a 30 pip stop loss and get stopped out at ten pence per pip the approx. 3 quid won't kill you, ten in a row will pi55 you off, which then gives you the oportunity to step back and re-assess. Wouldn't capitalise your account with more than 100 quid to begin.

If you start by following one of the better baypips TA strategies, for example, 5 ema crossing the 20 ma, then you might do OK, certainly break even if you keep your head, discipline, MM under control etc...keep learning, keep experimenting, keep on doing

Good Luck. 🙂
Made my first demo trade today on ballbearings for a 0.01% profit on the FTSE. Well its better than a kick in the balls....only just 🙂

I also had a go at the Wall street survivor demo but although I had a profit could not work out the system to sell the shares? Trying to make sense of the software seems to be the hardest thing at the moment especialy the different operating sytems.
Whats best for a beginner ? forex or indices for spread betting on ?

Some good advice given already. I'd just echo the demo account comments, and to try out all the market's you're interested in (on demo of course) to see how they trade. Once you've tried them out, you'll need to think about what kind of trader you want to be...short term, swing or position trader. This will then give you a direction as to finding the right strategy to suit your personality, therefore giving you the best chance of consistent profitability. Don't try to rush this process.
I reckon indices personally. Too many competing factors affect the price in FX. Harder to gain a grasp of what's really going on.

Just my $0.02


Now, i know you're a pro, 15 years in the game and all that, but are you actually saying that the indices are easier money than FX. That's some f*ckin' shout😆 Please tell, how many millions did you make on the indices before you realised that they were just too easy?😆 Pro advisors eh, you just can't beat 'em.

Now, i know you're a pro, 15 years in the game and all that, but are you actually saying that the indices are easier money than FX. That's some f*ckin' shout😆 Please tell, how many millions did you make on the indices before you realised that they were just too easy?😆 Pro advisors eh, you just can't beat 'em.


I reckon Gamma makes a very valid point, advising an absolute beginner to firstly trade the; S&P,Dax, or FTSE mightn't be a bad strat. (as a place to start). Also, if the new trader has an overall 'interest' in markets, then understanding why the FTSE/S&P moved in a certain direction (on any given day) can often be easier to understand than, for example, why USD/CHF suddenly spiked...
I reckon Gamma makes a very valid point, advising an absolute beginner to firstly trade the; S&P,Dax, or FTSE mightn't be a bad strat. (as a place to start). Also, if the new trader has an overall 'interest' in markets, then understanding why the FTSE/S&P moved in a certain direction (on any given day) can often be easier to understand than, for example, why USD/CHF suddenly spiked...

So you are also saying that the indices are easier money.
So it's easier to understand one market than another market, but it's not easier to trade and make money? F*ck me, the best advice for noobs would be to not ask for advice full stop. Crazy.
Whats best for a beginner ? forex or indices for spread betting on ?

personally, I would recommend Forex for beginners provided they remain vigilant of news announcements and adhere to their stop losses religiously

1. indices can be influenced by a lot of variables whilst Forex has a tendency to carry on with a particular trend and is more obedient to Support and resistance levels.

2. it is easier to learn and apply technical analysis on Forex

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Whats best for a beginner ?


Whats best for a beginner ? forex or indices for spread betting on ?

Hi Forex everytime for spreadbetting - if you are UK based there are TAX benefits as well.
