What will you do if they ban trading?

🙂 you mean like it was when i started 30+ years ago - no problem just widen your timeframe and sit back in your rocking chair all day while the computer gathers dust.


There was electricity when you started?? :-0
What is wrong with the U.S. policies!!! Man they want to ban everything and anything they feel like... wheres the freedom in that?
Why the F**K ban trading, why the F**K ban hedging!!! These crooks cant get enough, they have drained the "Amercian People" out of their saving and still they want more...
F**Kn CROOKS!!!.... Thank F**K im not a U.S. Citizen..!!

irrational Anti American BOLLOX. Haven't the british government done a similar thing ? 😴

Drained the american people of their savings ??
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Yeah cb, didn't you know, the US government forced the poor American people to take out loads of credit cards and remortgage their houses to pay for Botox and holidays they couldn't afford. Those draining *******s.
So what could happen? The crisis isn't due to HFs but the govt would love to give them a good kicking. In any crude categorisation for the purpose of regulation, where would private traders be placed - HFs (albeit small ones)? What would they want to do to them - massively decrease leverage and/or place restrictions on shorting to stem the damaging (as they see them) effects of unconstrained speculation? So a big hike in margin requirements and/or limits on short vs open positions? I haven't been around long enough to have a good idea, but these seem possible.
Yeah cb, didn't you know, the US government forced the poor American people to take out loads of credit cards and remortgage their houses to pay for Botox and holidays they couldn't afford. Those draining *******s.

****en outrageous mate. That darn American government !

How about Lehman Bros lending cash to jobless, assetless white trash to buy their trailers ? Then British banks falling over themselves to buy the debt 😆

Who'sthe bigger fool ? The fool that leads or the fools that follow.

In hindsight the American and BRITISH goverments maybe should have kept a closer check on things.

I love the Anti-American hysteria on this forum it's hilarious. From the same people that probably voted New Labour in 97 and slagged the Tory Party in the early '00's "cos it was cool"
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IIRC the start of the problem was the Clinton administration passing legislation that meant the lenders had to reduce the gap between home loans given to white middle class americans and Black and Hispanic borrowers in the south - regardless of their ability to pay.
IIRC the start of the problem was the Clinton administration passing legislation that meant the lenders had to reduce the gap between home loans given to white middle class americans and Black and Hispanic borrowers in the south - regardless of their ability to pay.

Surely there were caveats to this. Lending to assetless unemployed people regardless of race is just dumb and more fool the British banks for getting involved