What type of people make the best trader?

I think I'm one of those BUT I've found it a hindrance rather than a help when it comes to trading (although basic numeracy is required).


Depends on how/what you trade I suppose. If you were arbing or tradig based on financial mathematics it would be really helpful to have a microprocessor up there lol.
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I think anybody from anywhere can be a trader.. I agree with some of the previous posts... but I dont think practice is the key at all..

after all you could practice doing the wrong thing !! thus you would become an expert at it...
99% of the 'traditional' recruitment measures have little or no predictive validity as regards trading. It's ujust one of those things - drives bank H.R. departments potty. Interviews are particularly bad. No connection whatsoever between a good interview and a good hire.
Interviews are particularly bad. No connection whatsoever between a good interview and a good hire.
Aha, that explains why no one wants to hire me and, more importantly, it must mean that I'm destined to be a great trader! Correction, I already am a great trader, but an incey wincey bit more bottom line confirmation wouldn't go amiss.
I never said anything about interview/trading ability I said qualification and trading ability.
maybe I just dont understand all this personality type stuff most of the posts have been about. I think I'm more nurture than nature.
Aha, that explains why no one wants to hire me and, more importantly, it must mean that I'm destined to be a great trader! Correction, I already am a great trader, but an incey wincey bit more bottom line confirmation wouldn't go amiss.

Ok - we'll set up an interview nd I won't give you the job. Will that do?

Aaron - you can have a 'dummy' interview if you like as well. That way I don't have to hire you either, and you also get the warm glow of knowing you're a better trader as a result 😉

Everyone happy with that plan?

It's like the turtles, only in my analogy I catch em then throw em back....
Ok - we'll set up an interview nd I won't give you the job. Will that do?

Aaron - you can have a 'dummy' interview if you like as well. That way I don't have to hire you either, and you also get the warm glow of knowing you're a better trader as a result 😉

Everyone happy with that plan?

It's like the turtles, only in my analogy I catch em then throw em back....

Id rather the job tbh. At least that way I could build up amn equity pot.
99% of the 'traditional' recruitment measures have little or no predictive validity as regards trading. It's ujust one of those things - drives bank H.R. departments potty. Interviews are particularly bad. No connection whatsoever between a good interview and a good hire.

Lots of interesting stuff on this topic in Stuart Sutherland's "Irrationality", Irrationality: Stuart Sutherland: Amazon.co.uk: Books

This also happens to be 'the best book about trading that isn't about trading'.

Jazz musicians - Interpretation of mathematics to construct and understand abstract patterns that can not be seen easily or at all by other people. And above all timing - Jazz musicians know how to play in a way that the timing of the silence between the notes is just as important as the notes themselves. To improvise they need to understand the pace and direction of all the other players in order to enter and exit without even knowing what the other musicians are going to do.
What’s the difference between a rock guitarist and a jazz guitarist?

a rock guitarist plays three chords in front of thousands of people.
Having the ability to obtain a good reason why something will go up (either through knowledge, research, contacts etc.)
Being able to interpret how the market will react to that reason sometime after you obtain it.
Being able to banish sentiment.
Being content with taking a profit rather than waiting for a bigger profit.
Being able to ignore negative comment or movement whilst your original reason is still valid.
Being able to quickly cut your loss if your original reason is no longer, or appears, no longer valid.
Being able to judge if negative outside events appear to be overwhelming the positive aspects of your original reason.
In other words being a "trader"!