What to do with £1000-£20k

The best advise you could be given is,.."Bee your own expert",..
To rely on others for advise and direction is to surrender ones sovereignty.
admittedly, it takes time,..but it's worth it.
Never rush life, because it's over in a blink, and has no regrets : )
Having noticed that there are many knowledgeable persons here investing money in very different ways, I wanted to ask for a bit of help. I hope I'm posting in the right place.

What is the best (or at least a reasonable) thing you can do with the budget of £1k-20k, taking into account the fact that you will need this money in one year?

Although trading has been of interest to me, I am not so arrogant so as to claim that after a couple of hours I can perform better than professional investors who have been doing it for years. So I would prefer to have it managed rather than manage it on my own.

So I thought it might be reasonable to invest in a fund etc. But - are there any sensible funds which would give returns in such a short period of time (1y)? Or maybe there are some other options (except for ISAs)? How about forex managed accounts?

Thank you for your suggestions!

Best regards,

You need to consider inflation when making your decision and the way Governments are printing and debasing their fiat currencies I would say it is an important consideration. If you get 3% in a savings account for the year but inflation is at 4% then your have lost 1% of your purchasing power. This doesn’t include losses through taxes and fees on any investment. Even though ISA’s are tax free some have entry and exit fees so you need to look closely at the terms and conditions. A general rule of thumb is that you should have your age (in percentage terms) invested in a very low risk assets (I would have said Government Bonds years ago). I recommend NS&I index-linked savings certificates, I can’t fault them. They are guaranteed to beat inflation by around 1%/year (provided you keep them for the minimum 12 months), they are TAX FREE, there are no fees and they are 100% backed by the HM Treasury.


Or, you can do what someone else hinted at and see if you can get in touch with WASP 😆😆
As someone has mentioned National Savings, you might think about bunging some or even all of it into Premium Bonds. At least as safe as a government-backed bank account, and any winnings are tax-free.

If you put a lot in, chances are you will get several small prizes (minimum is now £25) over the year, roughly in line with the notional (miserly) rate of interest they pay. But then most savings interest is miserly at the moment, and in theory, you have the chance of winning a bigger prize.

Bear in mind that it will take probably about a week to get your money out when the time comes that you need to withdraw it all; maybe up to two weeks. You can apply to buy them online, but to withdraw them, you need to get a form from the post office (or maybe NSandI will send you one).

When you start investing with them, you can sign a form to say that you want any winnings you get re-invested (up to the maximum holding of £30,000). Failing that, they would send you the equivalent of a cheque for any winnings. If you win a million, then I believe they bring it to you personally (along with investment "advisors" I shouldn't wonder...).

I have never won more than £50 from a single bond, although I have had 2x£50 in one month I think, but my holding has never been more than a few thousand. I get the impression that the large prizes tend to be won by those with big holdings.
The best advise you could be given is,.."Bee your own expert",..
To rely on others for advise and direction is to surrender ones sovereignty.
admittedly, it takes time,..but it's worth it.
Never rush life, because it's over in a blink, and has no regrets : )

They say life is short ... on the contrary, it's the longest thing you'll ever do.