What to do after trading?

Muay Thai = Thai Boxing ...(so like kickboxing!)

I too have taught - kung fu and tai chi. I had some success, but gave it all up when my daughter was born. I'd love to get back into that in a bigger way than I am now. I've also often thought about ways to introduce renewable energy/ reduce carbon footprints. Maybe when I've sorted myself out, I may trade a charity account and use it to fund renewable energy projects etc.

Conversely, I could also take up golf 😈
Had to google for what on earth that is must admit. Interesting stuff though.[/QUOTE]

I've always preferred wrestling with thais than boxing them (missus aside) 😛
Yep, my strategy is that you just have to wrestle many of them. One of them might come back out but you can still say you won against the rest 🙂
Back onto the original question.

Firstly, can't imagine getting 'fed up' with trading ~ the reason I got into it was so I could carry on working way past the stupid 'retirement age' which I believe is a scheme by the goverment to encourage people to then start quietly dying and hence save billions in old age pension pay-outs.

By the time I hit my mid-fifties I would like to be working 3 or 4 days and I think a good idea would be helping youngsters in the community in one endeavour or another (not quite sure yet) although one worthwhile thing I did once was showing a group of Cubs (aged around 8~9) how to climb a 60ft climbing wall ~ Their faces were a picture once they had ALL achieved something they had previously thought impossible.
Nick, great post !!
my wee Ashlene is only 14 months but every day the sense of wonder and awe as she discovers something new about the world is a joy to behold.
There are a many projects out here aimed at helping the poor, especially the kids, so I hope I can soon start doing more than dropping 20 baht into the beggars' tins.

In fact, although my wife is set against it, because culturally, Thais have never done so, I want to adopt a babba or two eventually.
It's heartbreaking seeing them in the orphanage, knowing that, whatever kindness they experience as a youngster, their fate is still to end up on the Game or as a Junkie. Unless adopted for a better life ....