What kind of music is the best for Trading?

Exactly the same setup in this song as in a 3rd wave setup. the wave 2 that recedes it has an A and a b wave and a C wave. The A is sleepy, the B boring, the C suggests that the song is dead. then all of a sudden its over and the 3rd wave takes off ................. hi-lev play profits pile up with lightning speed

as here and is actually announced at 3:01 with, "the monk bought lunch, yeah he bought a little" :whistle::whistle:

For my all purpose trading from Brazil specifically Copacabana and Ipanema beach ............... my buddy John and I hunted and brought down antelope here - by the truckload. the one and only time I broke my pattern of pure Brazilian was this one day in the afternoon in the elevator, a Canadian chick hit on me. Took her to my room and started pouring a drink for her, when she said to me, "why are we wasting time?"

For my all purpose trading from Brazil specifically Copacabana and Ipanema beach ............... my buddy John and I hunted and brought down antelope here - by the truckload. the one and only time I broke my pattern of pure Brazilian was this one day in the afternoon in the elevator, a Canadian chick hit on me. Took her to my room and started pouring a drink for her, when she said to me, "why are we wasting time?"

Love your spirit in the threat. Will surely give a listen to all of them
Love your spirit in the threat. Will surely give a listen to all of them

Enjoy, amigo and thanks for opening such a relevant thread to Trading. Can't trade without music, can't live without music, definitely cannot live well without music. Music can save a Man's life, take him from Depression to Altruism, medication cannot.

“If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.” ― Albert Einstein
“Music acts like a magic key, to which the most tightly closed heart opens.”

Case in point regarding the tightly closed heart, the pissed off heart, the heart so hating of Fibo in the moment that no words could turn her around, nothing worked for days, she just gave me no response - so mad at Fibo she was.

Then without words I just sent this link with no text a pure blank page. At 1:44 is guitar work that is straight out of the Golden Ratio. If anything would work it gots to be the Music and with this one I could not fail - throw in the golden Ratio guitar at 1:44 and my odds of success were now super high

Not only did it work, she came back stronger than ever before - with such a rush of emotion it almost drowned me :) :)

John Lennon said that before Elvis there was nothing!

Right on the money!

Lifts my spirits by a minm. 30% when I enter a short-term trade and get the fine opportunity to place my STOP Can't lose then, its market money, I stick with Elvis till I take profit and close it out.

Success with Elvis trades? 100%

Yeah baby, it can hardly get better than this

Gotta have deep bass capability for this one ..................... 8-gauge power a must for home system, bad power = everything thereafter goes crap - have not heard better combo than Mark Levinson 50s on SL 700s, Audio Research, gold cables custom and dual subs custom built, cathedral ceiling, standing waves reduced to nil ................... only one piece of furniture in the the entire living room, a rectangle ........... nobody else allowed in there :):):)

At 1:31 Satchmo takes off and boy oh boy look at that soundstage, massive, the cleaner the power the larger the stage the separation is awesome and the Mark Levinsons even with power in the 50 watts range can deliver the low end of the SL 700s - of course the subs hammer it down to 10 Hz.

Lord have mercy!

Celestion SL 700 Stereophile review of high-end speakers found that there was basically just one flaw - just enough but not fully satisfying low end of the bass spectrum. Nobody could solve this back then. They were coming out with all sorts of subwoofers with big ass 12 inch and 18 inch woofers that were so clutsy at such size that they could not keep up with the agile, turn on a dime, nimble upper bass of the SL 700. I loved the speaker so much I decided I would solve this for my own use. Took 1 year and made a pair of custom built subwoofers with 10 inch woofers that could keep pace with the SL 700 and deliver rock solid down to 15 Hz.

Welcome to Paradise at Fibo's Place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what got me going in the redesign ? .............................. the exact same concept as the reviewer discovered = almost shudder. this "almost" takes you so close to the real thing that you know you just gots to get there but you can't as the speaker has redlined. It needs work. But any more work can reduce its other attributes that already shine. Therefore an external addition is necessary, a partner so to speak

from page 3:
Live, you shudder; I conjecture that via the Infinity IRS Betas you would shudder; via the SL700s, you almost shudder, astonishing bass performance for a 12-liter enclosure. And in the Chopin Scherzo recording, the left hand of the piano almost gets full measure when it thunders out low B-flats.
TP 108.59 done done done on the hi lev trade :) Smoking smoking smoking Fibo

For this closed out trade on USDJPY, a very high leverage trade the music selection took a turn. The profits were so stunning that I believe its a signal to continue with my Haitian music collection. Thrills the soul but I can't expect anybody else to like it. Music is highly subjective but I most certainly do have 3 big shots who are huuuuuuuuuuge fans of Haitian and becasue of them the music has been pouring into the United States by the truckload to New York - the 3 cats are ex Presidents George W Bush, Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton. Hillary's collection is possibly a hundred times bigger than mine. Heck she even insisted that they honeymoon in Haiti, which they did.

Bill nailed all 3 singers - don't know if Hillary knew but I suppose she did. What a woman! Let's her husband do his thing! :):)

Haiti continued .................... the rhythm of Haiti is called KONPA ......... underpins even ZOUK and a heck of a lot of African music. The KONPA style is just too hard to beat, hard to sit still, just gots to move ..........................

thrills Fibo to the core

When Bitcoin in its rally that had everybody talking and oooh-la-la-ing, Fibo rode that sucker all the way to the top as shown in my BEAR thread and then placed a STOP under the pattern. Big mistake. I gave back a lot of profit. Very profitable but the market made more profit than I - a very bad thing for Fibo. So what the heck was the thing that would have prevented this?

Found out later while listening to another Haitian classic and looking at the chart of Bitcoin - Baby had arrived at the red trendline on monthly + hit Golden Ratio Fibo 161.8% = clear out fast, fast, fast. Its on Monthly TF so dropping to Daily for clearer view is a must but the power = poder comes from Monthly ................. shoulda woulda coulda

poor fellas with not a nickel in their pockets, poorer than poor, but they pooled in some pocket change and got instruments on hire, they put this one track together and boom, not only did they nail Fibo, heck they nailed New York and Miami and all of the French Caribbean - Guadeloupe and Martinique rattled in fear.

Haiti with all its problems and starvation - but God gave 'em music, the best-est of the best, no 2nd place contender YET

At 5:04 the singer knocks the ball out the park by plugging in the basic KONPA rhythm that Haiti is known for - plugged init in real good.

Ah-ee-tee (Haiti) at her finest with Sweet Micky


key expertise of Fibo is choosing the right trade. There are too many things to trade. Its a given that I always have a trade going on in the EurUsd and always go high leverage for the 3rd of 3 wave portions. That's a given.

But otherwise how do you go about picking a trade? The same way I pick out a straight 10 and then make a b-line for her, ignoring all others.

Like here at 1:41 & 3:16. Pick the target trade then hit the entry and get on the horse and ride it to its natural extinction :) :) :)

When trading profits on short-term high leverage get closed, gotta get some good p***y .................... Shut everything down and go on the hunt.

My kind of party - all other types are a friggin waste. Plug 'em all by getting all the phone numbers during the party, one at a time - set for 3 months TRADING antelopes on call.

Thailand + United States = ultimate exotic mellifluous match made in Heaven

Brazil + United States = non-stop party

Moskva + United States = Class Act, fine clothes, Fibo got to dress up good, exquisite shoes, finest suits

Behold the magic formulae above for perennial happiness - high quotient.

Then throw in the Serenity with celestial tranquillity ...........

Big Island Hawaii + CA = close to God for rest and peace and meditation

Formula goes over the top

