What is your % of risk per trade?

It really depends on what you've calculated your probability of being in profit to be. If I have a 90% chance of having a profitable trade with a positive edge over all market conditions I would likely risk 5% and just rake it in. Others would probably do more than that if there really was a trade with such a probability and a positive edge but I get pretty uncomfortable with anything higher than that. There is always the unknown, and we can never assume that markets will stay the same.

Typically, I will shoot for the 1-3% range. Again, basing this off of the size of the edge and the probability of being right.
While i was learning Forex, all the manuals said that the risk per trade not supposed to be over 1%, so it is what I’m trying to stick with, and my daily max loss can't be over 5% of my account
It really depends on what you've calculated your probability of being in profit to be. If I have a 90% chance of having a profitable trade with a positive edge over all market conditions I would likely risk 5% and just rake it in. Others would probably do more than that if there really was a trade with such a probability and a positive edge but I get pretty uncomfortable with anything higher than that. There is always the unknown, and we can never assume that markets will stay the same.

Typically, I will shoot for the 1-3% range. Again, basing this off of the size of the edge and the probability of being right.

That's the point of MM, you can be delusional about your entry, trade, marked prediction and that's why you must stick to some rule, so few mistakes wouldn't ruin your journey to the stars.

On the other hand, I read that that's why we have analysts, news and brains - so that we could catch the trend or some subtle signals, which others don't see and act upon it. Otherwise how are we different from the "perfect" expert adviser?
When i had a smoller account it was 2-2,5% of my account. Now it is not more than 1,3%. However, the number of trades has increased.