What is the Forex Trading?

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Forex trading basics is not something really hard to pick up or learn. It all comes down to patient and discipline. There are some much strategies available online that any newbie learning forex will easily get information overload if they take in each and every one of them.Here we will discuss the very fundamentals of the forex trading basics. There are just two very important point to follow that will lead each and every trader to success. But it is mostly these two point that a lot of people fail to become a successful trader.
Yup, forex trading does take a lot of patience. Learning the technical skills is the easy part but turning that knowledge to profits sure is tough! After you learn all the basics, you really should spend some time practicing on a demo account first. Once you're consistently profitable, then it's time to go live and trade real money. Practice and patience are really key. Good luck!
What you have to understand is that to get, first you have to give. Only after you give what you want to get will you get it.:clap:
Forex trading is a trading currencies from different countries against each other.forex is acronym of foreign exchange.
best free guide ever!
google: babypips.
There are many sections there: Home, Blogs,School and others.
Read the whole School part. Read it 2, 3 times.
Then read the blogs, it will give you an idea on how some people trade.
Forex Trading is trading currencies from different countries against each other. Forex is acronym of Foreign Exchange.
For example, in Europe the currency in circulation is called the Euro .and in the United States the currency in circulation is called the US Dollar .An example of a forex trade is to buy the Euro while simultaneously selling US Dollar. This is called going long on the EUR/USD.
best free guide ever!
google: babypips.
There are many sections there: Home, Blogs,School and others.
Read the whole School part. Read it 2, 3 times.
Then read the blogs, it will give you an idea on how some people trade.

The best is if u graduated/finished "The School". I never finished my self 😛

Here you go mate.

I think this is the best answer for you. :clover:

Let me put here 2 cents: Forex trading is tool to trade with your RISK capital. Risk is the main word in the sentence and means that you should be ready to lose money and not die if you will.