What is the current dividend yield on the FTSE 100?

Is there any website source from which this dynamic infoirmation can be gleaned? Every Monday there is a figure on the front page (top rh corner) of the Daily Telegraph Business Section, but that's probably out of date as soon as the market opens.
Is there any website source from which this dynamic infoirmation can be gleaned? Every Monday there is a figure on the front page (top rh corner) of the Daily Telegraph Business Section, but that's probably out of date as soon as the market opens.
Interesting. Is it the dividend yield of the FTSE100? What is it now? Why not 'phone Daily T and ask where they get it from/ how they calculate it?
The official FT All-share price and yield (close of day I think) can be found at:
Research data archive - previous performance tables for currencies, commodities, bonds and markets - FT.com
under 'Most Popular Reports' -'Equities - UK Market Summary'

As of Sunday 13/11/2011
FTSE All-Share 2857.02
FTSE All-Share yield 3.36

If you want to track it real time throughout a day you can get a good approximation from:
Total yield yesterday / intraday price, so in this case to track tomorrow
total yield yesterday: 2857.02 * 3.36 = 9599.5872
Intraday yield = 9599.5872 / intraday price