what is the best trading strategy

I speak to barryb a lot. He knows a lot more than the typical t2w fag. He even occasionally gets teenage boys to help him. LISTENN CHAPS.
1. Cut your winners and let your losers run.

2. If you lose a trade, so what? Double up next trade.

3. Always trade against the trend.

4. Trade a completely mechanical system, but remember to only take the best signals from that system.

5. If you're still losing after the above steps, go to a seminar solely on trading entries, and buy a computerised system so you don't have to lift a finger. You shouldn't need to spend more than £29.99 on a good one.

I've only tried number 1, 2, 3 and 5. Now need to find the best for num 4.

Fortunately, in my own trading I use four different day trading strategies:

The Simple Strategy, which is a trend-following strategy,
The Boomerang Strategy, which is another trend-following strategy that allows me to enter late into a trend in case I missed or skipped the original entry,
The Ping Pong Strategy, which is a trend-fading strategy and works great in a sideways market and
The Seahawk Strategy, which is a scalping strategy that's perfect for a slow market, e.g. before the opening.


I'm interested to know more about your Ping Pong Strategy, not so much specifics just a rough idea of how it works alongside your first two strategies.

I'm assuming you run them all at the same time? Or do you make a decision on how the market is behaving and then pick your strategy.

Reason for asking is that I run two trend-following strategies, similar to your first two, one to try to get into the initial move then one to re-enter along the trend. They give a decent return but during sideways movements I am really just trying to keep my losses to a minimum waiting for the next trend which seams a a bit of a shame :-/

Anything you are willing to share would be of interest.

The best strategy is knowing deeply what you are investing. Why dont you try another demo account to have better understand? The deeper understanding forex you have, the lower risk you will make.

While I'm playing at trade1on1, I also ask the same question to my opponent .As a result I often receive the answer like this "Never start Trading without FIRST using a*DEMO Account. A Demo Account allows you to become familiar with trading procedures, such as placing Market, Stop and Limit orders without any risk. All dollar losses or gains in a Demo Account are imaginary but the EXPERIENCE is VALUABLE!"

My suggestion is to open a free demo account first, it helps you have better understand
My best trading strategy is to do trading in low margin . I do not take high risks in trading due to the low investment. I collect small profits . With low risk trading my loss is also low . I am happy with this strategy.
The best trading strategy employ defensive trading. Your funds can never sustain in this game long enough if your risk management is not fool proof.

From my experience, the best strategy is the one you build yourself. Eventually, you will have a trading strategy that is best for you but first things first.

Rule number one - Don't Trade without a STOP!
Rule number two - See Rule number one.

If you can handle rule number one and two above, and you are persistent, consistent and always eager to improve and your goal is to become a professional trader, you will be fine in the long run. Experience will provide you all the pieces and bits you need to custom design a trading system that fits your personality and your trading style.
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Buy low, sell high
Sell high, buy low

If you were buying from a low on a large chart and price is moving into a high on a large chart where you'd consider selling, sell on a small chart.

If you were selling from a high on a large chart and price is moving into a low on a large chart where you'd consider buying, buy on a small chart.

Only thing with Forex is that YOU have to decide what is high and what is low

All you need to trade the thing is 2 lines, a grid, patience and big balls.

Anything else and you're just stop fodder providing liquidity.

All you can know is if price is moving up or down from one of your references to another as there is no absolute high or low in Forex. It's just a question of how long it's taking to do so and what your profit objective is.

The only other thing is figuring out how to max out your leverage while still only risking a small % of your account so that when you win you win big and when you lose you lose small.
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Oh you're in for a longg ride. It's like asking what the best recipe is.
??? too many questions are left unanswered. for what time frame? for what kind of trader? how much stomach do you have?
There is no best strategy in Forex, only the strategy that is best for YOU! From the top of my head, Bill Willams Trading Chaos works very well for long term trend followers.

Then there are plenty of automated strategies that works way better than any human traders can ever trade. Simply because these robots are present in the market all the time and takes trades automatically, where human traders can't be in front of the screen. Moreover, trading robots won't get bored or excited or tired. So robots can perform better with clearly defined mechanical strategies.

On the other hand, discretionary trading systems are better traded by humans. Regardless how good a mechanical system is, a human trader's intuition is more powerful in picking trades. Support & resistance, trend line and simple technical analysis based systems can often yield remarkable results if used correctly at the right time.
This is such an open ended question. I like trading strategies where I don't have to sit around all day waiting for opportunities... set and forget type thing. I mix it up and sometimes one will work and sometimes another will suddenly scream ahead and show out-performance.

Right now for me, my early morning breakouts and false breakouts are working well (I use londonforexopen system). My longer term positioning indicators are all over the shot. I think the key to success is being able to adapt and recognize changes in the market so that you can stay in tune and exploit it's movements.
I don't think that there exists such thing like "The best strategy". It really depends of what a trader is looking for. It's like the question "What is the best car?". There is simple no "simple" answer.

Regards, Alexander
Go get the free stuff off Forex Useful and also the 3 ducks system and design your own based on those, NITS on Forex Useful is also useful but its 20 quid or something, hope it helps.
Forex price action scalping is the best. I just topped 200% return in only 9 months with no drawdown to speak of. See how at wallstreet2easystreet.com