In some years time (10, 20, 30 or whatever) we wont have "money" as we know it.
PayPal, Google or some other large institution will create their own "money" and we will need little else, the company will be worldwide and we will all hold "money" in that company. "Money" will become international and a standard, you will be paid in "money" that will be knowns as "paypal credit or credits". All people will be paid the same rate for the same job type around the world, there will be no international rates, different currencies or exchange.
For the rest of this example we will use the company PayPal and the number of credits are numbers just as an example.
You will be paid for work in PayPal credits, 1 hour for your job will pay you 10 credits, if you do a more skilled / harder job you will be paid more hourly credits.
Things cost credits, not "money", credits are worldwide and universal. A Chocolate bar costs 1 credit, to pay for that chocolate bar you swipe your phone across the payment device and the 1 credit is deducted from your PayPal account.
Want to lend your friend some "money", you tap the number of credits into your phone and you transfer the credits by touching phones.
You house rent costs 200 credits a month and can be paid for by Direct Debit from your paypal account.
A chocolate bar costs the same in Sudan as it does in the USA.
People "trade" credits to make money, but not against other credits (as the old style foreign exchange) but they trade credits against physical goods / equities. Today 1 tonne of coal costs 20 credits, buy and sell later for 22 credits (standard supply demand trading)
Anyway, I'm just rambling...but is the world of foreign exchange slowly coming to an end? only have X amount of years to make your millions! 🙂