What is good financial investment ?

The best investment these days is PPF, Mutual Funds, stock Market, SIP. Where you can invest your money without any risk & its sure that you will earn good profit.

Nah- running a sex emporium or selling trading dreams is far more lucrative:whistling
Hands down - a Brewery. Did OP mean financial paper investment, or in general an investment?

Once you have the equipment.. then the raw material cost is something like $70-100/bbl (31 Gal). You can brew pub 31 Gal for around $750-1,000 net.

Other costs yes, recouping equipment costs may take over a year (if you're even successful). The reward to risk is good on that trade.
I thought the best investment is real estate. If you don't want get income straight away of course. Actually nowadays the market in Europe is growing so it can be very profitable.

I strongly disagree: in many West Europe countries real estate has hugely inflated in the last 15-20 years when you compare house prices to incomes. I don't think it will crash due to shortage and government subsidies, but I don't see how it can continue to double in price every 10 years now cheap credit is over. IMHO, it will slowly land or remain constant in nominal terms, so decrease in real terms, giving a chance to more first time buyers to get on the property ladder.
I would advise investing in real estate or retail companies of stable developing countries.
I would Recommend people invest time and money in educating themselves .......and then following Investment opportunities that they truly understand

Take responsibility for your own decisions - always !

most people are happy to pay for advice from strangers (directly or indirectly) ........then on the failure of the investment they can blame the "Expert" and never themselves !

Sex shops -the way to profit in good times and bad😛

nope - they are stuggling now .............the online porn business has been decimated by the Free amateur porn channels

oops 😱
Controlling the emotional roller coaster that can be associated with share investing can be helped by using an investment plan.It involves getting your hands dirty with financial ratios and looking at markets, but finding good investments is not as hard as you may think. If you ever read the newspaper or surf the Internet, you've undoubtedly seen hundreds of advertisements claiming that they've found the world's greatest investment or some other secret to financial success.

Fundamentals are not what they are cracked up to be ..........Price is all

the porn business was also a pioneer in the IT platforms re online Web marketing and sales

all other businesses learnt a lot from how slick those guys were....

I think it's good to invest them in trustworthy bank or a land. Consult a financial consultant to have a better idea hence dealing with money is always risky.
According to me a good financial investment is one that guarantees the safety of our invested capital money which is our main asset.
According to me a good financial investment is one that guarantees the safety of our invested capital money which is our main asset.

yeah, so where do you find something like that...a cyprus bank account perhaps?
According to me a good financial investment is one that guarantees the safety of our invested capital money which is our main asset.

More bollox - show us one such place of safety apart from under the mattress🙄
According to me a good financial investment is one that guarantees the safety of our invested capital money which is our main asset.

And investment with any reputed bank would be safe investment, you would earn good interest rate too if you go through any plan as well!
And investment with any reputed bank would be safe investment, you would earn good interest rate too if you go through any plan as well!

a safe investment, you are clearly forgetting a few years ago when we were all queuing outside the banks. Something tells me you're not from around these ere parts from your dodgy english despite your origin which i guess is false 😎