What Indicators I follow to trade the S&P 500 E-mini.


Hi friends,

I am Andre Antunes.
I am Brazilian and trader the future IBOV (IBOVESPA).

To operate the future IBOV, I monitor the S&P 500, OIL Future and CRB Index (Commodities).

If the S&P 500 up, the IBOV up. The correlation is 0,82.

I have a question and appreciate your help:

To operate the E-mini or S&P 500 what indicators to monitor ?
What indicator have the best correlation?


André Antunes
Trader BMFBovespa
Tel. (11) 3513-8013

I expressed the wrong way by not speaking English so well.

My question is:

to trade the S&P 500 you monitor for example : Oil Future, Index Sectors. What you monitor?

André Antunes
Hi Andre,
I also trade the Emini and the Ftse which also seem have a correlation.
I use MACD and fast Stochastics in conjunction with my Support and resistance lines and Bollinger Bands.
I find My S&R lines to be of most importance and MACD seems to work very well in trending markets like the Emini and Ftse.
For me, my greatest indicator is my eyes! i Watch price action, especially on the hourly chart, but i usually take my trades off the 5 min chart. I make sure, or try to make sure, that my setup on both charts makes sense, in other words that MACD is favourable on both even if stochastics is not. I place great emphasis on my support and resistance lines and i like to see where price is in relation to my Bollinger Bands, this way i am roughly able to guauge wether the move has some room to run, if that makes sense!
If i had to choose one indicator out of all of the ones i have mentioned above, I would stick to my S&R lines and price action, I know its not an indicator as such but if placed correctly on the charts you can watch the bounces off or the penetration through and trade quite well. MACD often keeps me in a trade even if price is approaching a resistance. I find that if MACD is favourable and also its Histogram is also favourable then i will stay in the trade with relatively tight stops at this point.
Fundamentals also play a large part in my trading. I make sure i know in advance if any major news is due and if it is I try not to be in the market. I have learnt to my loss that if i am in the market when major news is due, this is like gambling! I wait until the market settles a little and then i follow the trend. All i want to do really is copy the big boys, ride on the moves that they are taking.
Not as easy as it sounds but i find, with practise, I am getting better. I think i can see when profit taking is happening. I no longer panic on retracements and i ride them out ( unless its an obvious change in market direction)

I like trading the emini. It's volatile enough to throw up opportunities everyday.

I spreadbet the emini/FTSE by the way which is different to trading it i suppose however I,m using the charts and my indicators/signals in the same way I would if i were trading these markets.

I,m no expert, no slave to any indicator, I have just found a simple system that seems to work ok for me. Yes i make losses as well as gains, I just try to keep my gains much bigger than my losses.

I,m still learning to control my emotions ( not as easy as many say) when im in a profit or a loss situation. I try very hard to cut my losses early, i dont always do as i should though and sometimes i let my losses get a bit bigger than i know i should. I,m learning everyday.
I find im quite good at letting my profits run, especially if i can see a clear run up to a resistance line and MACD is looking good.

I dont tend to place that much importance on Stochastics, I just watch what its doing. I find that if i did follow this indicator I would be trading every other bar! it's too reactive. I like to watch it for divergences. Another area I,m trying to get upto speed on. I dont see that many divergences to be honest but when they do appear I do notice the change in direction for price.

I hope my novice opinions have helped some.

Hi friends,

I am Andre Antunes.
I am Brazilian and trader the future IBOV (IBOVESPA).

To operate the future IBOV, I monitor the S&P 500, OIL Future and CRB Index (Commodities).

If the S&P 500 up, the IBOV up. The correlation is 0,82.

I have a question and appreciate your help:

To operate the E-mini or S&P 500 what indicators to monitor ?
What indicator have the best correlation?


André Antunes
Trader BMFBovespa
Tel. (11) 3513-8013
hi andre - I don't trade this myself but I watch the free daily videos on S&P trading from InTheMoneyStocks.com on YouTube.
They offer good advice on technical analysis, they only refer to price and moving averages on the chart itself, but they do look at other markets such as the dollar exchange rate, the Russell and some leading tech stocks as guides to what the S&P will do.
Price Action Andre

I suggest you study price action only, get rid of any indicators because they are only telling you something that has already happened. Price action is 100% pure and doesn't lie. Learn to study it and only it and you will become an expert at tape reading.

You will spot your own pivit area's, support, resistance etc. All from just watching and studying price action and best of all you won't be wondering whether your indicators are working or whether it's time to change systems etc.

The fact that 95% of traders fail or quit is true. If you do what those 95% are doing you will get the same results.

Watch the price action on your trading platform daily for 6 months and things will start to click. You will start to learn and understand market rythm, trading setups will come naturally and you will be on the right side of the trade most of the time.

Price action trading also allows for much better entries, unlike traditional trading with lagging indicators will create more slippage for the trade and then stopped out because you usually get in too late.

Price action and your eyes is as close as you can come to the holy grail of trading.


hi andre - I don't trade this myself but I watch the free daily videos on S&P trading from InTheMoneyStocks.com on YouTube.
They offer good advice on technical analysis, they only refer to price and moving averages on the chart itself, but they do look at other markets such as the dollar exchange rate, the Russell and some leading tech stocks as guides to what the S&P will do.