TOTW What have you learnt about yourself from trading?

I've learnt that 'The Market' is like a wife.
It will very quickly find all your little faults and mistakes and point them out to you every single day, (even the ones from 20 years ago) and you have to pay for the privilege of that abuse.

Oh, and you love her dearly.
Wrestle Madame market to a king size profit
with patience ( which has grown ) , stealth and cunning.
She has me in an armlock at the mo in the aud/usd but I am not ready to throw in the towel just yet. How much pain can you take in a losing position ? More than before ?
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I have had an event full life, experience has taught me well on how to deal with things that are thrown at me, be it business, death, coping with situations most would fold at...........But nothing can prepare you for day trading, for that, the mind has to be re-wired.

Happy Days............🙂
i cant accept a small has to be massive before i realise i have no other choice.hopefully after today,i may remember!