what does FUTEX do ?

I have checked with our Risk Manager and he is not comfortable supplying specifics for obvious reasons.
Therefore in order to avoid accusations of being evasive. I can tell you we have direct market access via our clearing houses. We do not use retail brokerage services in any way whatsoever. We speak to several high profile brokers direct (wholesale).
all I needed to know cheers.

While Im here, any plans for intl offices? or is it a bit of a nightmare to set up
Hey Futex,

I don't know if anyone has mentioned this to Chris Morris but he's a dead doppelganger for Andy Townsend, in his profile pic on your website.
There are all sorts of circulars, about for instance, individual stocks, ipo's, economic bulletins, etc etc. by the really good stuff is the live market information.
Its an MSc in Proprietary Trading. Only suitable for someone who is interested in taking a Masters Degree. Not suitable for those who are not (obviously!). The video explains it quite well, but is not really something that Futex Main Board Directors wish to promote further on trade to win, as it is only for those interested in the Academic qualification.
it is not really something that Futex Main Board Directors wish to promote further on trade to win, as it is only for those interested in the Academic qualification.

Why assume trade2win viewers are not interested.
Fair comment. The posts that followed the launch were mostly negative. This makes Futex Investment and Trading Academy not wishing to spend money with T2W in promotional work. Thats a shame, because in my opinion it means that funds that FITA was spending withh T2W have now been stopped and that is to the detriment to this site.
Fair comment. The posts that followed the launch were mostly negative. This makes Futex Investment and Trading Academy not wishing to spend money with T2W in promotional work. Thats a shame, because in my opinion it means that funds that FITA was spending withh T2W have now been stopped and that is to the detriment to this site.

While you probably add to top line revenue for the owner, Futex doesn't really offer much to trade2win general membership does it? You're a vendor selling your prop course and now an MSc. You don't contribute to any threads with ongoing discussion, or offer any trading analysis or any opinion despite your being in a position to offer professional insight. You have close to nil input into the community outside of extracting funds in exchange for education - which is fair enough, I'm not having a go at you it's just eh reality of your business model - so I'm struggling to see what detrimental factors you're referring to. You're still here if anyone wants to enquire about joining aren't you?
Also, it doesn't really bode well that you've had all discursive posts removed. Some of the posts, while critical, highlighted very legitimate concerns. While I'm not suggesting you should engage in a ridiculous flame war, if you had a strong belief in your product you could have done more to counter any perceived negativity and respond to arguments properly rather than strong arm trade2win into deleting members' posts as soon as your offering were put under any level of scrutiny.
Just my opinion.
Fair comment. The posts that followed the launch were mostly negative. This makes Futex Investment and Trading Academy not wishing to spend money with T2W in promotional work. Thats a shame, because in my opinion it means that funds that FITA was spending withh T2W have now been stopped and that is to the detriment to this site.

So you expect a free run in return for your advertising money and when it doesn't happen you pick up your ball and walk off?
I am not aware we have ever asked for posts to be removed. i am sure one of the moderators can confirm this.
So you expect a free run in return for your advertising money and when it doesn't happen you pick up your ball and walk off?

Yes, There is truth in your obseravation. If advertisement causes a negative response, we are minded not to advertise. FITA has decided to market the Masters Degree within the academic community, rather than the trading community.
While you probably add to top line revenue for the owner, Futex doesn't really offer much to trade2win general membership does it? You're a vendor selling your prop course and now an MSc.

Well - that's a bit unfair IMO.

FUTEX do take on people, train them, pay them an allowance during trading and then fund them.

For those that don't pass the selection, I think letting them pay for training isn't a bad thing. Certainly from FUTEX perspective it's good business as they have to run the course anyway. In terms of anyone paying for a course, it's the same course they have prop traders cut their teeth on - so you have to admit, that's better than many training offerings.

As for the MSc - I have no idea what opportunities it would open up for you. It sounds odd to me but then I don't know what it does in terms of your prospects. I doubt it's for would-be retail traders.
Well - that's a bit unfair IMO.

FUTEX do take on people, train them, pay them an allowance during trading and then fund them.

For those that don't pass the selection, I think letting them pay for training isn't a bad thing. Certainly from FUTEX perspective it's good business as they have to run the course anyway. In terms of anyone paying for a course, it's the same course they have prop traders cut their teeth on - so you have to admit, that's better than many training offerings.

As for the MSc - I have no idea what opportunities it would open up for you. It sounds odd to me but then I don't know what it does in terms of your prospects. I doubt it's for would-be retail traders.

You have close to nil input into the community outside of extracting funds in exchange for education - which is fair enough, I'm not having a go at you it's just eh reality of your business model - so I'm struggling to see what detrimental factors you're referring to.
