What do i do with my cash now?

Dog Poo - were you a simian scribe in a former existence on planet T2W ?

not understand. anyway why you spend all time who who and not what what? you trade what what not who who. you want writer be then who who good. trader what what think me. you trader you writer? you neither? not you fault. smell rat everywhere when you cat. smell opportunity everywhere when you trader and not worry about cat, rat or who who, in china we say it advances a man to eschew the unimportant,
You forget that by constantly buying and selling you are incurring more taxes. you are taxed less the longer you hold a position. The ETFs i own are very low cost and most are commission free. the trading fees are part of the price you pay for a security (cost basis) and losses are tax deductible. ALso im not a serious day trader..im just rebalancing my portfolio and now that i have available cash i will make periodic contributions over the course of the next 6-8 months whenever there are big dips. if there is a market crash i will unload 50-60% of my liquid savings and pump it into the S&P and my existing stocks. I dont think there is anything wrong with this strategy

Except that after the next crash, when it comes (and it's not an if), it may never recover (or not for a good long time).

If you were in the UK, I'd say spread the cash around those members of your family you can trust and give them all the maximum holding of premium bonds (low return, but chance of big prize, and no risk of loss). Maybe the rest into gold, or some other asset that has the most chance of holding its value.

In the US, I don't know, other than gold again.
Property? Well, it can appreciate, but with recent history, seems like a gamble.
I'm actually wondering whether land, pure and simple, could work. No property to need maintenance and looking after.
If rural and good quality, rent out to local farmer, and in some future crisis, land to grow food is always going to have a value.
If urban, and it's not built on, make it into a parking lot, and it can always be built on later and hopefully sold off later at a premium, when there is a need to build.

Just thinking out loud here 🙂
Nicely said. I think that's one of the good analogies. 🙂

Farmers typically don't have money. And growing food takes a lot of effort and time. A good analogy but it ignores the concept of growth rate.
Huh...maybe your right....lemme go ask the greeter at WMT how that buy/hold thing worked out for them.

While I'm doing that call all your managers and advisers and check your accounts.....add it all up....subtract all the fees....and see where your at. If your happy with the returns then by all means keep doing what your doing.

But the SPY is up 15% for the year and 83% for 5 years....if you haven't done at least that after fees then you might as well buy a bunch of SPY or SPX and close your eyes, hope for the best and cut out the middlemen....because a monkey throwing darts at the S&P would have done as well.

Serious traders are not buying and holding.....they are buying weakness, selling strength, taking profits and managing risk. The big institutions are the ones who stand to gain convincing you that that strategy works. I'm constantly amazed how much of the public is satisfied with mediocre returns and will keep paying the monkey's fees for the privilege.

If you can order a pizza you can learn the strategies to protect yourself...you don't need anyone else.

Unless the Greeter in 1974 had his 10,000 dollar 401k invested all in $WMT stock - if he left it untouched it would be 45 million dollars with an annual dividend of 1 million dollars!! lol :clap::clap:
Unless the Greeter in 1974 had his 10,000 dollar 401k invested all in $WMT stock - if he left it untouched it would be 45 million dollars with an annual dividend of 1 million dollars!! lol :clap::clap:

But then that person wouldn't likely be a greeter would they?😎
But then that person wouldn't likely be a greeter would they?😎

I always figured if I made enough money to not have to work I would still take on a job where I had interaction with people on a daily basis. Walmart Greeter though.....😆 Probably not.
You probably shouldn't advertise you have cash that you want to invest as you'll probably be getting loads of scammers messaging you?

Thats what I want to say, otherwise you will become there target and they will force you to join there service. Just take the help of your family member or personally meet someone for better investment.