what chat rooms do you recommend?

I tried one, several years ago. It was run by T2W. They are, in general, a waste of time, Peter. Most of the chatterers were just that and they should be trading, instead of chatting.

That's what I meant about using them for what they are. This is a trading forum but not much trading threads lately. Same idea.

I used to hang out in a really good one via irc. Ill try to dig through my computer and find the # name.

I logged in briefly to mytradingroom.com and there was like 3 other blokes in there. Admittedly it was about 30 mins before US open and so if it is a yank site they might not have arrived yet.

Will get back to you on monday when I get back to desk with that irc network name. There was like 50-80 people in there routinely all day. Was quite good.
If there was one thing that I learned from the T2W chatroom it was when I got pally with someone who, more or less, had the same trading ideas as I did. One of the differences was that I was SBetting and he was with a broler. I discovered that the difference between our PL was so slight as to be not worth me thinking about moving to a broker.

Probably. when I defend SB firms, that comparison comes to mind.