What broker to use for Australian shares?


Does anyone know of any brokers in the UK that allow you to trade Australian shares? If not whats the best way of doing this?

Many thanks!
HI Creech,

if you use HSBC online broking you can buy shares in Aust and over 14 other markets. If you can be bothered the best online broker in Aust is AOT (aotonline.com.au) - a flat price per trade (only GBP10) and up to six trades poer day in same stock is only deemed one trade.

Worth checking out.

aussietrader said:
HI Creech,

if you use HSBC online broking you can buy shares in Aust and over 14 other markets. If you can be bothered the best online broker in Aust is AOT (aotonline.com.au) - a flat price per trade (only GBP10) and up to six trades poer day in same stock is only deemed one trade.

Worth checking out.


Hi aussietrader,

Can people living in England open an account with a Australian broker. How would they identify you, would you have to send id to Australia.



I know that AOT (see above) do accept foreign accounts. ID is based on passport, drivers license, and a utility bill in your name with address.

As is all cash up front, no real risk for them.

Creech said:
Does anyone know of any brokers in the UK that allow you to trade Australian shares? If not whats the best way of doing this?

Many thanks!

For info on Aussie brokers go to infochoice.com.au and you`ll find about 20 brokers.
Not all of them accept foreign accounts.
AOT is not cheap for small trades, about $ 33.00 a trade, but that`s for up to 1 million dollars.
Yes up to 6 trades in 1 day on the same order is still about $ 33.00
But there are other brokers that charge $ 20 - $ 25 per trade, even if the trade will be filled over different days. I think that Rivkin accept foreign accounts.

Hope this helps.
Try BOOM.com, it is based in Hong Kong, it allows you to trade in multi markets oz and the us.
I live in England and I've been using them for 10 years since their startup trading onthe HKSE. No complaints at all ever, cheap and level 2 data reasonably priced, with rebates on number of trades. Their cutsomer service is very good.
I irate them highly.
Ascot trader
I was thinking of buying some Myer Shares in the float today. They look cheap after todays fall.
Nice article I found on the float here on shares to buy about the myer deal, apparently the official price most purchased the stock at was over $4.00. Such a shame they listed today and fell over 8%, dissapointing for investors i bet. any body here own or are thinking of buying shares in myer? Opinion on the company appreciated.
Fp markets are a great all round broker...for anyone interested.

i have no interest in promoting them fwiw