Australian Listed Shares



I am looking for someone with experience in dealing with Australian listed shares.
Does anyone know any British brokers that have the facility to trade them at a reasonable price? Charles Schwab cost an arm and a leg!!

all comments appreciated.

the cheapest way I know is to open an account with an aussie broker.

There is a wholesale broker in Australia who charges a flat fee per trade of $30 (around 14 quid) regardless of trade size. You can get the forms online at

The best part of their service is you can actually daytrade up to six times in the same stock and only incur a single contract note fee. It measn you can buy,sell, buy,sell etc and only have a single buy note and a single sell note and total costs of $60. Not a bad deal if you want to daytrade (or night trade if you are in the UK!).

You will need to have a cash management trust opened also but this can be done easily and you'll get around 4.5% interest on your money. If you need a hand opening one I can recommend one that I use -

Another alternative if open an HSBC account. Can then trade 15 markets across the globe - don't know the costs from your end though.

Hope this helps.

I too would endorse aot-online as they are one of the very few brokers in Australia who run a stop loss system for trading.

Saxo Bank in London lets you trade Australian equities for $USD 10 per trade.

I am from Sydney, living in London. I use my Commonwealth Securities account to trade my personal account and recommend Saxo Bank to people who attend my stock market speculation course [].

Good Luck.