What assets do you trade?


Junior member
Hi all. I trade exclusively on direct currency pairs, as I consider them safer and more predictable. What do you sell and why? I would like to know your opinion
Until this year I had always solely traded stocks and ETFs, I have now scaled back on those instruments and am moving into FX majors, commodities and indicies. My decision to rotate away from individual stocks is largely to do with unpredictable R/R and levels of sensitivity to an array of different circumstances. For instance a resignation caused SMCI to drop 30% today, you couldn't possibly foresee that unless you had someone on the inside maybe. Then you have earnings every 3 months which could result in an abnormal move against you, sure it could go in your favour too, today I benefitted from an after hours jump in PAYC, yesterday I was pleased I held GOOG but if you were long AMD you were likely stopped out after hours.

I won't totally abandon stocks but I am having a better time so far with the other instruments, I'll probably maintain a net short bias when it comes to trading stocks as my success rate shorting them is far better than it is when I'm on the long side.
Hi all. I trade exclusively on direct currency pairs, as I consider them safer and more predictable. What do you sell and why? I would like to know your opinion
Hey! I mostly stick to major pairs like EUR/USD and USD/JPY—lots of liquidity and a solid choice for safer trading.
See my trading diary thread. I short term trade quality dividend paying US and UK stocks. I think I can get 15-30% CAGR depending on market conditions.

I use a signal that's worked since the dawn of time. I automate selling so I just focus on buying.
Привет! Я в основном придерживаюсь основных пар, таких как EUR/USD и USD/JPY — большая ликвидность и надежный выбор для безопасной торговли.
Очень интересно. Интересно было бы услышать ваше мнение по EUR