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source: wikipedia
"Katyusha" (Russian: Катюша [kɐˈtʲuʂə] – a diminutive form of Екатерина, YekaterinaKatherine), also transliterated as "Katjuša", "Katioucha", or "Katiusza",
  1. is a Soviet-era folk-based song and military march composed by Matvey Blanter in 1938, with lyrics in Russian written by the Soviet poet Mikhail Isakovsky.
  2. It gained fame during World War II as a patriotic song, inspiring the population to serve and defend their land in the war effort.
  3. The song was still popular in Russia in 1995.[1]
  4. The song is the source of the nickname of the BM-8, BM-13, and BM-31 "Katyusha" rocket launchers that were used by the Red Army in World War II.[2
The song is about a Russian woman called Katyusha. Standing on a steep riverbank, she sings a song to her beloved, a soldier serving far away. The theme of the song is that the soldier will protect the Motherland and its people while his grateful girl will keep and protect their love. Its lyrics became relevant during the Second World War, when many Soviet men left their wives and girlfriends to serve in the Soviet Army during World War II, known in Russia as The Great Patriotic War.

Katyusha [Beautiful Version]

Выхожу один я на дорогу · Анна Герман · Кшиштоф Волиньски - I go out alone onto the road · Anna Hermann · Krzysztof Wolinski
Interesting Histo'!
When she started singing, I was instantly reminded of the Icelandic artist Björk. Not sure why - as they don't have much in common other than being quirky!