What are you listening to now?

Well surely that proves it then. By not listening to heavy metal and AC/DC sorts, failed to reach his full potential.
Absolutely - I'll tell him when I next see him - we're still good mates to this day.

What does he do now with his 2:2? Paint rockets designed by Kevin I'd imagine? 😆
Well, interestingly, when we were at college together (Bristol 1979-82 - I also have a 2:2 in Fine Art), Maggie was education minister and was trying to close down art schools up and down the land. Her reasoning was that we (bleddy useless art students) were a burden to society because we were unemployable. After all, what use is a degree in Fine Art. So, we went on rallies and protests, waving blood red placards saying 'art attack' etc. When some government mandarin pointed out to Maggie that more ex art students found gainful employment at the end of their courses than students doing mainstream science subjects, she did that rarest of things - a u-turn. Yea, we won! A small victory perhaps, but an important one I think, as the U.K. is known the world over for its brilliant art and design. Who knows, if it wasn't for me, mate Kev' and our fellow students, perhaps the likes of Damien Hurst would (still) be serving burgers in McDonalds!

Anyway, back to Kevin. These days he constructs rather lovely buildings out of green oak and straw bales. And you know what I do: all of which goes to show that even if fine art students don't become painters and sculptors (or printmakers in our case), being creative enables us to turn our hands to pretty much anything.
Absolutely - I'll tell him when I next see him - we're still good mates to this day.

Well, interestingly, when we were at college together (Bristol 1979-82 - I also have a 2:2 in Fine Art), Maggie was education minister and was trying to close down art schools up and down the land. Her reasoning was that we (bleddy useless art students) were a burden to society because we were unemployable. After all, what use is a degree in Fine Art. So, we went on rallies and protests, waving blood red placards saying 'art attack' etc. When some government mandarin pointed out to Maggie that more ex art students found gainful employment at the end of their courses than students doing mainstream science subjects, she did that rarest of things - a u-turn. Yea, we won! A small victory perhaps, but an important one I think, as the U.K. is known the world over for its brilliant art and design. Who knows, if it wasn't for me, mate Kev' and our fellow students, perhaps the likes of Damien Hurst would (still) be serving burgers in McDonalds!

Anyway, back to Kevin. These days he constructs rather lovely buildings out of green oak and straw bales. And you know what I do: all of which goes to show that even if fine art students don't become painters and sculptors (or printmakers in our case), being creative enables us to turn our hands to pretty much anything.

Jokes and snipes aside, you do know I'm still evolving and my respects to your friend Kevin. I'm sure if I had a 2nd life I'd do something totally different to what I did do. Farming and horticulture or something related to outdoors would be my first choice.

I have also considered eco building and am a big fan of Brighton Permaculture 👍

Was going to vote Green but their leader put the fear of God into me with her views on telly and I'm an atheist.

I will be embarking on some courses when the opportunity arises in the near future.

This outfit's been around for yonks - but I've only just 'discovered' them - and I can't get enough of 'em. Great band. This is probably their best known song and very fine it is too . . .

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