What are things you can expect to learn from a forex trade course?

My high school friend has been trying to convince me to enrol in this forex trading course. I’d probably give it a shot as I’ve got some free time on my hands, and I definitely wouldn’t say no to gaining new money-making skills, as I’m only 23 and want to make something out of my life. Now I’m just curious; what exactly can you expect to learn from a forex trade course? Thanks in advance! Your inputs are much appreciated.
trading records can be forged and falsified on anything ....literally anything .....dont believe anything out there
I don’t think that you should enroll in an online course when there is so much free information available on the internet. I would rather suggest watching youtube videos and reading up on articles to understand the basic concept.
If the teacher does not show a real track record of 1-2 years, you won't certainly learn brand new stuff not already available freely.
Such a guy won't be a teacher low because he already knows how to make money from trading. This is classic rule though which proves there are no teachers who reveal a path to constructing working trading system.
Unless it's a free course, then;
At best, you can expect to learn that you've paid out a lot of money for freely available simple information.
At worst, you'll have paid for lousy information that will cost you dearly if implemented.

Read some [free] guides on T2W instead.

First of all, you shouldn't pay for the trading courses as there is plenty of information online.
That is why I like forex, because all the knowledge you need is free of charge. There are so many different online sources, forums, videos, webinars, etc. that are available for everyone. However, not all of the people have enough discipline to makea personal learning plan and force themselves to learn on the daily basis. If you lack self-control and you still want to trade forex, you should find some courses and change your personality because forex requires a lot of responsibility, persistance and psychological stability.
If I were you, I wouldn't look for the courses but for the mentor. I believe that the knowledge and skills that you can acquire during a week course will be insufficient for successful trading and you are highly encounter lots of problems and questions after the courses are over. If you don't have the discipline to browse many forums in search for the answers, you'll definetely need a person who you can turn to in the time of need. He will guide you through the tough way of becoming a success. However, you should pay much attention to his trading experience and his indicators of success. You should ask him to show you his trading history where the amounts of successful and unsuccessful trades are depicted. He should trade for more than two years in order to give you advice. This criteria are the most important in choosing a mentor.
So, it is better for you to find a mentor rather than trading courses.
I never paid for any courses because I couldn’t bring myself to sink the money into it. Everything seems to be online for free, but I’m sure the courses are more convenient because everything is presented together and covered, whereas you’d have to search the Internet and use various sites to do research teaching yourself.
I never paid for any courses because I couldn’t bring myself to sink the money into it. Everything seems to be online for free, but I’m sure the courses are more convenient because everything is presented together and covered, whereas you’d have to search the Internet and use various sites to do research teaching yourself.

agreed they make their cash tidying up the edges ....some of them have become millionaires selling free information...one guy springs to mind but legally im not allowed to name him .... too many run-ins with him in the past
Very well stated and put bud 👍
Presentation more snazzy TV charts and IG lifestyle hype to lure people in
My high school friend has been trying to convince me to enrol in this forex trading course. I’d probably give it a shot as I’ve got some free time on my hands, and I definitely wouldn’t say no to gaining new money-making skills, as I’m only 23 and want to make something out of my life. Now I’m just curious; what exactly can you expect to learn from a forex trade course? Thanks in advance! Your inputs are much appreciated.
a lot of basics...all learnable for free ...then they will hard sell you their special systems !!!