This ought to be a pretty short article David. It could go something like this:
Dear Graun readers (yes, both of you),
Why would someone who was a successful trader (as all these vendors claim to be) waste their time flogging courses? Most of them claim to make hundreds of pips or points every week, or at least every month. I mean, seriously, how much of this f***ing toot would they have to shift to make it worth their while to stop trading and fleece chumps* instead. IF their claims were real, of course. Or why, if they were successful, would they flog signals instead of trading them to the fullest extent that liquidity in the market allows? IF their claims were real, of course.
If it takes you more than a minute or so to work out why nobody would do this, then you are too thick to be trusted with money, and should be confined to tokens which allow you to buy food, safety goggles, and those mittens with a string connecting them so you don't lose one.
The End
*(er, don't you mean "teach valued students" - ed.)
what so you mean Phil Newton who claims he made 25070 pips in his live room last year is lying?
Trading Strategies Live Training Room Performance Jan - Dec 2012 | Trading Strategies.
please dont tell me it's bunk, oh wait a minute, someone at the door trying to sell me something............
oh FFS bloody Jehovas witnesses again.........
right where were we. 😴
oh yeah. 26,070 pips last year on a 1 lot off the smalls, yeah thats like $260k in annual income. so offering live room @ £145 pm or move up to a 2 lotter. toughy uh..
and it's bunk you reckon 😆
next thing you will be telling me the Chinese bloke in Camden who sold me a led zeppelin box set for £9 has sold me counterfeit goods.
full of pansies this site. I'm off for a run. I will be showered and changed with 30 pips under my belt before you get down the job centre plus.