What are the best trading courses?

I wouldn't agree that BabyPips is nonsense, I found it very useful when starting out, and respect their achievement. I have moved on to Forex Razor for two reasons: the way they structure and moderate their contest, and the fact that there are traders in that forum that do share what they know, and don't know.

You Are your own judge. As a muppet I am sure you will appreciate that if you follow the bollox of babypips then you will surely lose out.😆😆😆
This is an old thread, but I want to reopen it with my recommendation of which course to take.
I have taken some courses over the years, but only one that I recommend to others. The course is from a Dax-trader with great success. He has used the same strategy that he teaches for years with great results. He also shows his trading record to prove it. The course is called Colibri Trader. It is a price action strategy, which is easy to learn, but also very powerful. You can use this strategy in any marked. The strategy is very well described, and that is a thing that I really appreciate. The best thing about the course in my opinion is the trader himself. He is very helpful. You can send him an email, and he will answer you very quickly. In my opinion, this is the best course out there.
Most people are sceptical about courses. If we take some of the more porpular names in trading, they really have no interest in teaching, they merely want your cash. So they sell a life style of fast cars and women and riches. In truth most professional traders have a modest income, the caveat is independence. Well my friends and colleagues certainly do have modest wealth. In fact the ones boasting to be super rich usually come from wealthy backgrounds. It is easy to be a millionaire trading if you have a million already. This requires no real understanding of investment.

I have an FCA qualification, an Economics degree, MTA qualified and I am both an investor and I use to trade in a Brokerage and spent 4 years as a commodity trader in addition to some Real estate investing. This is not a brag but I spent months designing a principle based course program that I teach brokers and institutional traders too. You can get an overview at the Traders Club

Markets are based on principle and all strategy must be underpinned by core principles. Everyone who took the program came back and said how come we hadn't found you before? Your program really helped me. I soon realised that we didn't do anything special, we simply taught what we knew to be true. Others also have this information but whether it is K2A or Kreil they all own brokerages, so the huge conflict of interest means it is not feasible for them to teach at a high level. If you take K2A the guy is not even a trader. In my opinion people like the colourful box so they will always back the wrong horse.

The question you should ask is how is this course being sold to me? Is it just saying you will make money? Or is it saying it will give you the foundation that leads to success? Food for thought.
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There are some good ideas on U Tube. The Bollinger one is instructive for free.
Learning to trade. UMMMMMMMM. Well forst off there are the mechanics, placing market orders, limit orders stop orders really seriously exciting stuff guaranteed to get you laid at parties, but only with the ugliest of grots. Then you progress to the Market knowledge , Fx Commodities, Futures Stocks Options, These will ensure that she performs acts of severe kink to please you when get to the bedroom so if a smelly fat slag does it for you then get in there. Now things get real, RISK MANAGEMENT. DISCIPLINE, PLANNING. Crack the last three and you won't need to go to parties to get laid. All your women will be beautiful and will do exactly as you want them to depending upon the price paid. When you know how to trade and accept the fact that individually you are a worthless piece of shiite that needs a disciplined plan , you will not worry about learning the "secrets".