What annoys you most in forex?

The fake marketers. And this isn`t annoys me but makes me angry. Forex is not a get rich quick scheme and not easy at all.
What annoys you most in forex?
There are times when it tends not to get too rosey😅
the f***ing scammers on youtube and social media

Their content and quality is mostly horrendous and i am at a loss why so many people still get scammed ....but im not a beginner and cannot imagine those shoes ....to me the alarms are ringing inside seconds on most stuff

wish i could help more people spot this cr#p ......i help those that ask me ...thats all i can do

By trading. Making money on short term price fluctuations is a game that needs to be played. The more that you participate, the more quickly you become somewhat desensitized to some of the things that you'll have to deal with, e.g., expansion and contraction of prices, price spikes that seemingly come out of nowhere, brokers that trade against you, etc.