what a sad state Britain.....

Another dastardly plot by the Establishment to take the people's minds off the economic **** up, doncha know, old chap. Jolly good idea, what !
Rejoice ye doom mongers, it proves Britain is Great..........

As an anti-monarchist, who doesn't understand or have time for all this royalist gibberish, (though God knows they must be better than having Gordon Brown as President), can someone tell me if this means she will be Queen one day?
As someone who grew up in a Jamaican household I've never understood why it's seen as quintessentially British to financially support a family of Greek/German immigrants.
I ain't never bin ta England cept once. It was cold, an it was wet. The f***in' food? Fuggedabartit. An wass with these f***in' accents you guys have? Thought I was in f***in' Australia.

So yeah, drawin' on my own f***in' experiences, England is a sad case.

I don't understand your email :rolleyes:

Is your claim to fame that you have never been to England?


That you have been to England once?

You should either way visit again because we have some fantastic cookery shows on TV. You'll be salivating and frothing in the mouth. (y)

Check it bro...

common as muck
she hasn't got the shapeshifter gene

She doesn't ooze tranquility but more rage. I think after couple of bambinos and seismic hormonal shifts she will be a formidable challenge to any King...

But I wish them joy and happiness till the end of time :clap:
That was strange i saw a post after Ambrose but before Scose slating the Brits.

ADmin did that get removed or am i seeing things.

Ah there it is
As someone who grew up in a Jamaican household I've never understood why it's seen as quintessentially British to financially support a family of Greek/German immigrants.

There is something definately odd about us Brits.
The last Brit King was allegedly King Arthur. And we don't even know if he existed. The royalty we have had since:-
Tudors ( Welsh)
Stuarts ( Scots)
Hanoverians ( German )

but you are right anything is better than Blair/Brown Presidents