Why ? So far their supposed figures don't in any way add up, the Mansion tax is ridiculous, unworkable and will not fund the amount they claim it will.
They are the only honest party on tax. No other way out of this mess without raising taxes. I prefer visible fair taxes then complicated taxation model that the rich evade and poor meet...
Do you really believe this ? There are so many new voters that have no recollection of this. In my view the reason why Labour are in with a chance is because the Tories have not come forward with radical enough policies and are almost the same as Labour.
We have very much an aging popullation.
Same as Labour then when they thought Gordon was about to be ousted.Not to the same degree. How many leaders have the tories had of late?
When tax was reduced to 40% by the Tories it was well known that the government then took more in tax than at any time previously and why was that ? Well those with entrepreneurial ability are more likely to work harder if they know that they are not getting taxed at a higher level. What has been the result of Labour raising the rate to 50% for top earners ? They have actually taken a huge amount less than they thought because those they targeted have managed to find ways to avoid it, some even leaving the country. So what is the answer to this now ? Labour plan to tax anyone who is on 100K or more a year at the same level, ie Doctors etc because the original plan has failed. It is just like a bully in a playground who picks on someone who then leaves so they find someone else to bully instead.
Not necessarily so. Tax revenue depends on level of economic activity. Not tax rate. If DSS payments fall they pay less out and with more people working make more revenue.
It is a total fallacy to say people work harder if tax rate is less. On the contrary people work less hard the richer they become. They subsitute leisure time for work time. The difference is they make money work for them. This has always been my life long experience. Management suck big time. They don't always get there on merit either. Old boys network not supply and demand.
I'm surprised you are pushing this old nonsense. How can anyone justify Fred the Shreds golden hand shake - pension or rewards for failure??? This is the UK all over. Politicians, managment - lawyers, pension fund managers the lot of em and anyone else in any level of authority. Council leaders - Look at Boris's deputies?
What is the punishment for all this fraud, theft and deceit.
You cannot be serious about this because if it were true then the Tories would not have remained in power for 18 years.
I am very serious. Look at Blair and Bush they were re-elected the mass public are non-thinking dumbed down media led dim wits. People get the picture in slow motion after a decade as to leaders have made a difference or not.
I completely agree