Welcome all

Quick intro from new member

Wow, what a great trading group this is. Thanks Grey1 for letting me join. I have read many of your posts on T2Win before and the last couple of days read tons of your posts and some by others on Technical Trader. You are clearly a Master trader, and I am not going to stop until I am as good as you, pulling £1,000 a day from the market. I tried many indicators in the past, not including VWAP or your macci indicators and found them wanting, and most of the time these days simply use bar chart, volume, the odd trendline, pattern and sometimes divisions of ranges (this last only on daily charts). I have made much more money trading end of day charts than intraday, now I want to Master intraday trading to a very high level.

I want to get down to working with your three strategies as quick as possible. I have the no 3 strategy of Macci of Dow, and the divergence code, but could not find any VWAP code anywhere, and I'm not sure which strategy the Exhaustion code is.

Can anyone on the list help me with the following issues. I have an IB day trading acccount and trade most days using their data. I have a copy of Tradestation 2000i which I have never used, and will need to subscribe to a live feed to use these strategies? Which data supplier do you guys recommend for me to use Tradestation with? Is Tradestation 8 a better idea? I understand its free with only 5,000 worth of shares per month.


Grey1 said:
I welcome all our members to the new forum .. The objective of this forum is to research and develop new strategies to help us achieving more reward with lesser risk ..

Once a trader always a trader ..

PS:-- please donot not transfer or post any of the contents of this BB else where.

Thank you guys
LuckyBucks said:
Wow, what a great trading group this is. Thanks Grey1 for letting me join. I have read many of your posts on T2Win before and the last couple of days read tons of your posts and some by others on Technical Trader. You are clearly a Master trader, and I am not going to stop until I am as good as you, pulling £1,000 a day from the market. I tried many indicators in the past, not including VWAP or your macci indicators and found them wanting, and most of the time these days simply use bar chart, volume, the odd trendline, pattern and sometimes divisions of ranges (this last only on daily charts). I have made much more money trading end of day charts than intraday, now I want to Master intraday trading to a very high level.

I want to get down to working with your three strategies as quick as possible. I have the no 3 strategy of Macci of Dow, and the divergence code, but could not find any VWAP code anywhere, and I'm not sure which strategy the Exhaustion code is.

Can anyone on the list help me with the following issues. I have an IB day trading acccount and trade most days using their data. I have a copy of Tradestation 2000i which I have never used, and will need to subscribe to a live feed to use these strategies? Which data supplier do you guys recommend for me to use Tradestation with? Is Tradestation 8 a better idea? I understand its free with only 5,000 worth of shares per month.


Hi Luckybucks

I believe you can use either DTNIQ feed or Esignal to get data into TS2000i You may need a adaptor plug-in for each feed i think E Signals one is free but DTN charges around $150 ??? i think. I dont use TS but am still using Qoutetracker for charting.
Are you still able to use any of Grey1's methods without using Tradestation? The only reason I'm looking to use Tradestation is so I can use the MACCI, utility and VWAP indicators, and I hear their scanner is pretty good too.

moreagr said:
Hi Luckybucks

I believe you can use either DTNIQ feed or Esignal to get data into TS2000i You may need a adaptor plug-in for each feed i think E Signals one is free but DTN charges around $150 ??? i think. I dont use TS but am still using Qoutetracker for charting.
lucky ,,

you need to get EXhaustion engine code up and running, Most members of this BB have the code. perhaps you want to Pm them

LuckyBucks said:
Are you still able to use any of Grey1's methods without using Tradestation? The only reason I'm looking to use Tradestation is so I can use the MACCI, utility and VWAP indicators, and I hear their scanner is pretty good too.

Lucky, to be able to use tradestation 2000i, you MAY need to up-dated the software, I recently got a copy and it wouldnt work to well because there were bit's missing ie. hotfixes/upgrades, so I had to get in touch with a company called hypertrader who are based in Italy, I had to pay a fee, but they sorted out the missing software,( there are others offering similar service) the data feed I use is with IQfeed, I use them only because it was recommended, some prefer esignal , other's use the IB feed...................finally I'm drawing from personal experience, your needs may be different ! Good Luck
LuckyBucks said:
Are you still able to use any of Grey1's methods without using Tradestation? The only reason I'm looking to use Tradestation is so I can use the MACCI, utility and VWAP indicators, and I hear their scanner is pretty good too.


I would recommend TS but in regards to Qt you can plot Vwap and MACCI on charts just add the signal figure for the smoothed indication. only major difference and disadvantage using QT is the inability to have a efficient excel app that post trading indications in small cells efficiently allowing you the trader to analysis data and alerting you when conditions accur without all the charting clutter and wasted sceen real estate used to plot charts
LuckyBucks said:
Wow, what a great trading group this is. Thanks Grey1 for letting me join. I have read many of your posts on T2Win before and the last couple of days read tons of your posts and some by others on Technical Trader. You are clearly a Master trader, and I am not going to stop until I am as good as you, pulling £1,000 a day from the market. I tried many indicators in the past, not including VWAP or your macci indicators and found them wanting, and most of the time these days simply use bar chart, volume, the odd trendline, pattern and sometimes divisions of ranges (this last only on daily charts). I have made much more money trading end of day charts than intraday, now I want to Master intraday trading to a very high level.

I want to get down to working with your three strategies as quick as possible. I have the no 3 strategy of Macci of Dow, and the divergence code, but could not find any VWAP code anywhere, and I'm not sure which strategy the Exhaustion code is.

Can anyone on the list help me with the following issues. I have an IB day trading acccount and trade most days using their data. I have a copy of Tradestation 2000i which I have never used, and will need to subscribe to a live feed to use these strategies? Which data supplier do you guys recommend for me to use Tradestation with? Is Tradestation 8 a better idea? I understand its free with only 5,000 worth of shares per month.


Hi Zach

Welcome to the board. If you have an IB account then you can use the data feed from it (for 'free') to run TS2000i. However, you will need to purchase some software that sits in between your IB data feed and your TS2000i GlobalServer (to convert data from IB format to TS2000i format). There are a couple around to do this but I can only speak personally for HyperServer. A one off fee to Hyperserver purchases the software and they have provided me with really excellent on-line 'live' support to get it all up and running. This set up also allows you to download history data too.

Hope this helps,


evostik said:
Hi Zach

Welcome to the board. If you have an IB account then you can use the data feed from it (for 'free') to run TS2000i. However, you will need to purchase some software that sits in between your IB data feed and your TS2000i GlobalServer (to convert data from IB format to TS2000i format). There are a couple around to do this but I can only speak personally for HyperServer. A one off fee to Hyperserver purchases the software and they have provided me with really excellent on-line 'live' support to get it all up and running. This set up also allows you to download history data too.

Hope this helps,



Thanks to everyone who responded to my intro.

Am I missing something or would not the best route be to simply open an account with Tradestation, which includes their radar screen, and free data, and simply plug the code into that? Why do people subscribe to Esignal for data when its free with Tradestation? Is Tradestation data not very good or something? Just trying to put the puzzle together.


evostik said:
Hi Zach

Welcome to the board. If you have an IB account then you can use the data feed from it (for 'free') to run TS2000i. However, you will need to purchase some software that sits in between your IB data feed and your TS2000i GlobalServer (to convert data from IB format to TS2000i format). There are a couple around to do this but I can only speak personally for HyperServer. A one off fee to Hyperserver purchases the software and they have provided me with really excellent on-line 'live' support to get it all up and running. This set up also allows you to download history data too.

Hope this helps,



Hi Steve,

How did you go about buying Hyperserver ? I can't find any live links on the web site

Do you have a phone contact for them please?

rajibde said:
Hi Steve,

How did you go about buying Hyperserver ? I can't find any live links on the web site

Do you have a phone contact for them please?

Hi Raj

I have copy/pasted the contact details of the chap who sorted it all out for me. He was very helpful.



Robert Giordano
HyperTrader Tech. Support
Forum: http://forum.hypertrader.net
Email: support@hypertrader.it
Int. Phone: +1 505 514 0203
Italy: +39 0171 262253
Africa and Middle East: +254 722 332756
rajibde said:
Absolutely no response on any of their phones...extended New year celebrations possibly

Just to finish this topic -for the benefit to anyone in a similar situation- I finally could get in touch with hypertrader through the email-rather they were quite fast in responding to by mail-from there on it was a smooth ride-once the payment was made to buy the hyper trader version 3.0, a person in the US actually set up the whole thing in my computer through remote access-very pleased with the service.

Thanks to evostick and wheezergeezer for the kind help.

Grey1 said:
I welcome all our members to the new forum .. The objective of this forum is to research and develop new strategies to help us achieving more reward with lesser risk ..

Once a trader always a trader ..

PS:-- please donot not transfer or post any of the contents of this BB else where.

Thank you guys

Hi Grey1

First of all, a big thank you for allowing me to join your group. I hope that with time I can contribute more than what I will initially take.

I trade forex, mainly cable, although sometimes get bored and go for easier currencies like euro or swissy. I mostly use price action, patterns, and so on, and dont use indicators.....yet.

I have tried to start by training myself to read price only, as opposed to starting with an indicator and then see i need to learn reading price. I think it is now time for me to move into using indicators as a complement to my decision process, either as filters, confirmations, or even signals as the case may be.

anyway, want to keep this short.

thanks again

Helloo and dont know where everyone is.

Thanks to Grey 1 for inviting me on board. I suppose evryoneis busy with other boards or just busy trading.

I havebeen trading for almopst 2 yrs now - dont post here often so still have rookie nxt to my name.😉
Having cut my teeth, lost my equity and the made it back with interest from forex - just cable - I mainly do that now. However, I do have US stock bets for the long term using a 65 day channel breakout system. Very much long term and boring - but thats making money for you.:cheesy:
NOw starting evening trading NASDAQ stocks - again using primarily price action, candles, 5 day momentum and 12,26,4 MACD. I daytrade with smal money - most of my capital is in longer term trades.

Look forward to posting - on whichever thread seems active!

First Greetings

First greetings to all Tech Traders and my thanks to Iraj for his advice to date and for now letting me in to join the party.

For those who can be bothered to check, I must be in the running to get a gold medal for lurking – joined T2W in January 03 – posts to date 0. Only real excuse for that is that I seem to be permanently trying to scrabble up the learning curve and so am stuck on receive rather than transmit. One day I may find someone lower down the food chain that might benefit from my experience – but not yet awhile.

My focus is exclusively on daytrading NAS stocks and I’ve used a variety of approaches – backtesting, paper trading and live trading – with the overall result being win a little, lose a little, lose a little…. At least it’s been a little and not a lot. A few months ago I latched on to some of Iraj’s posts and thought that his tech approach was something I could feel comfortable with. Since then I’ve been programming and testing based on the posts in the open section of the TT forum. Fortunately I seem to have convinced Iraj that my lack of street cred will not have a negative effect on his excellent forum. My first look at this private section shows me that people have been asking many of the questions that I would have liked answers to, so for me that is very promising.

I’m not a Tradestation user, so can’t use the codes as posted here but if the logic is reasonably visible then I can try and replicate them on my own system. I use Neoticker and would be happy to exchange experiences if there are any other users here – somehow I feel that is not very likely.

OK – back to work. There are quite a few posts here so I’m going to have to submerge again for some time. When I resurface I hope to be able to contribute in some small way.


I'm a trader from Oz so sleep while the Naz is awake.

I trade index futures, currently N225, Aussie SPI, and STW. I traded just HSI up until a couple of weeks back when I decided the volatility had become too crazy (kept jumping 30 points off my ZLT dom). Have also traded currencies but the European morning is my evening so I moved to HSI a few years back.

I trade support and resistance with mas to assist my view of trend. I'll a pullback and hold till target guy. I keep trying to add volume to my picture but haven't succeeded so far. So lets see where I go.

I use Sierra Chart with IB and have created a lot of DLLs for it. I will probably convert the Easy Language here to C++ for SC but keep it private if thats the intent. Anyone here who wants the DLLs can contact me (once I've written them 🙂)

Good trading.
Firstly, thanks for allowing a serial lurker like myself to join the group. Much appreciate all the information provided by Grey1 and everybody else on the board. I have been spending much time going back over all the threads and absorbing as much as I can. Still plenty to do I feel.

I use Sierra Chart with IB and have created a lot of DLLs for it. I will probably convert the Easy Language here to C++ for SC but keep it private if thats the intent. Anyone here who wants the DLLs can contact me (once I've written them 🙂)

Good trading.

I too am using SC and IB so would be interested in how you get on with coding the strategies. I haven't attempted coding dlls yet as C++ is not something I know but have had some success with the standard stuff and worksheets thus far. I am sure the dlls will run a lot better in a trading environment. Good luck with that.
