Weekly Parameters & Test Trades

“TradeVector I must say you are a very good at writing put me to shame. I feel in you writing you make trading sound very complex.From 14 years of trading the simple little methods works best in my humble opinion



The simplicity that one brings to trading will be reflected in their results. Calling one trade a year is pretty easy. Calling trades Daily, or ever 48 hours, is much more complex when done above 93% accuracy to a specific target.

You have to define what it is you are doing. Trading to a simple “profit”, is the easiest thing in the world to do. Enter Long, or Short on Sunday at 3:30pm each week, and you will turn a profit most of the time if you only set a small 10-15 pip profit target. So, no rocket science is needed to do that.

Trading between targets and capturing 80% to 90% of the move available on that trade while rolling with the market volatility from day to day, requires something close to rocket science. I don’t know of anyone capable of trading like that without using some form of technology. The variables are far too many, to be fully captured with brute simplicity.

So, you have to get clear on what you mean be “trading”, number one. Number two, you have to get clear on what you mean by “accuracy” and “successful trade”. You also have to get clear on time-line. Those things will determine whether or not your approach is going to be simple, or complex relative to other methods, or approaches.

In other words, before you can ever know what works best, you will have to define much more accurately what you are trying to accomplish be being in the market. Entering a position and waiting around for several weeks for a simple profit, is not my idea of highly accurate day trading.

On the other hands, that is exactly what many people do and are happy with. I really all depends on what you are trying to accomplish. One can spend many years trading the market and never once spend a day in primary research of data.

Primary Research is not trading - its research. So, one can spend 5 years researching, testing, developing, and engineering trading technology and come away with something far more precise and usable than one who’s spent 25 years doing nothing but “trading”.

There are people who have been driving cars for 40 years. Put them behind the wheel of an Indy Car and they will shortly kill themselves upon entering the first turn. It is not the number of years that matters, it is the quality of those years that count.
Enter Long, or Short on Sunday at 3:30pm each week, and you will turn a profit most of the time if you only set a small 10-15 pip profit target. So, no rocket science is needed to do that.


Deep pockets will help though 🙂

You may turn a profit "most of the time" (i.e. the target is touched once during the week) but on the not especially rare occasion when the target is missed and the trade then goes a great deal more than 10-15 pips into the red, you kill the expectancy, surely? When/how do you take losses that will certainly be incurred?

Given a 90% success rate of 15 pips it would only require an average loss of >=135 pips to make the system useless. At 80% the average loss only need be >=60 pips.


"When/how do you take losses that will certainly be incurred?"

I will take losses when the Price Structure is beyond immediate repair, or when my stop gets hit, which ever comes first. Whether or not I used a stop and where I placed said stop will depend on the strength of the DSS that I use. The current trade that I am in right now (Long EURUSD per my 12/17/04 post to D998) clearly was a very strong and stable signal – a very easy trade to make. That trade is now approaching its original high 300+% net gain.

I take the loss, only when I have to and that will most often depend on the status of the Price Structure. If the Price Structure remains intact, even when there is Adverse News relative to my position, my research clearly shows a very strong tendency for an imminent recovery – often times leading to a very tiny profit. So, where many people bail-out at a loss due to “news”, I “might” stick around for the recovery – but I always allow the system to determine that for me. It thinks faster than I can and it can make “certain” (not all) decisions better than I can.

I have faith in what I’ve built, obviously. Even if I don’t get a full recovery on adverse news vectors, I still can get a massive reduction in the “loss”, simply by allowing the Price Structure to “self-heal”. It wants to “heal” itself “naturally”. Sometimes it happens within mere hours. Other times, it can take up to two weeks. I’ve never sat inside a trade for two weeks – that is a huge waste of valuable trading opportunity. Whatever was lost on the first trade, could have been made up 9 times over within two weeks – so, in the case of that rare loss, there is no need in crying over spilled milk. I’ll simply bite the bullet and move on to the next and benefit from the systems own unique recovery process as it moves its way back up towards 98% accuracy.

In fact (this might make you slightly dizzy), some times I don’t trade the market (so to speak) – instead, I’ll catch the system when its accuracy gets low – like down to 90%, and then simply trade any signal that it generates until it climbs back up to the 98% level. Never once caring anything about what the currency pair is doing or not doing. The system’s accuracy runs in cycles just like the market does – so, I can ride the low accuracy rating back to the top. Since it never averages too far below the 90% level – I know that when it does get that low, I should expect some pretty precise trades just around the corner.

Like right now, the system is running inside a 10 trade peak performance of 100%. I have not lost money AND each target has been struck of the most recent 10 trade block (including this current Long trade on the EURUSD). So, I know that the system is maxed out right now and simply cannot do any better than it is at this very moment. Now, if I am willing to live with a 10% reduction (on average) in accuracy to a specific target, then I will wait until the system fails to strike a target and then allow it to drop down to something less than 92%. Then get back on the bandwagon and ride it back up its own built-in cycle to near 98%, or better again.

Sometimes, trading the performance of the system and not necessarily the “market” itself, can be a very powerful approach. Of course, before any of this is going to happen – you need to first have a very stable system who’s accuracy cycles themselves can be projected. This is all part of the “next generation” of this particular trading solution. It will be the basis for the AI model that will drive all the signals in the next few versions of the system.

Basically, a system that monitors and trades “itself” only during times when the Accuracy Projection for the system is said to have a high probability for peaking from a relative low position (so to speak). Or, a system that monitors itself.

Imagine having a trading system that can not only tell you that “it is not feeling well today”, but can also tell you “when I will feel better” and at what rate it is most likely to get “better”. The goal is to build a trading solution that “thinks” its way through every scenario stored inside its Meta Data Warehouse.

A system that can learn quickly, apply knowledge, critique its own behavior, and then communicate with the trader directly using plain the English language. That’s the ultimate goal – to build something that does not really need me to monitor it at all. Full autonomous - self sufficient - independent – intelligent and “resourceful” (bots).

For now, I’ll take small losses – in the future………I don’t expect to have any.

“Given a 90% success rate of 15 pips it would only require an average loss of >=135 pips to make the system useless. At 80% the average loss only need be >=60 pips.”

Only an average loss of 135 pips? That is highly improbable with this solution because the average range of pips net is between 50 to 300+ with this system. My last several trades bare this out and my current trade is now at 140 pips net gain. You can capture 15 pips blind folded. That’s not difficult at all. All you need to do is study the data of the Forex. You do not need a trading “system” to capture 15 pips routinely. If that’s all you want to do – then game over – mission accomplished – no big deal.

However, if you are trying to capture between 50 to 300 pips or more per trade, then you need precision on the Timing, Direction, Magnitude and Probability. That is much harder to nail down a high percentage of the time AND while trading daily or at least every other day. The higher your number of entries into the market on a weekly basis, the more difficult it is to remain at high levels of efficiency.

So, with 9 trades striking the minimum profit requirement of 50 pips, you end up with 450 pips. If one goes astray for 50 pips against you – then you accumulative total is only 400 pips. Not bad – not terribly good by my standards – but still nowhere near the poor house either.

Bottom line: I’m not happy (not at all) if you can’t double my money each time I enter a position. That is my own personal goal each time I trade – a 100% net gain and I can live with that. When I start striking less than that, I start to get concerned – I start to spend my weekends back-testing the system to see if I’ve missed something important and I start to tweak the system until it improves.

There is no reason why the average trader should not be doubling their money each time they trade – no reason whatsoever. Anything above 200% is pure gravy. Between 100% - 200% is blue collar work in my book. That’s a very good, solid, honest day’s work. I’m very blue collar in my approach to revenue growth.

If I’m ever going to manage an account of 10 figures, I’m going to need a way to actually get there. So, I cannot afford to think in terms of 40% per day as being good. I have to consider that a total waste of time and trading opportunity. Now, sometimes that is all the market will give – when that happens, I’m not happy and I start looking for answers as to why it failed. Yes, I would consider a 40% net profit a total and complete failure. Why? Because I realize that so much more is available.
To TradeVector

You Wrote

The simplicity that one brings to trading will be reflected in their results. Calling one trade a year is pretty easy. Calling trades Daily, or ever 48 hours, is much more complex when done above 93% accuracy to a specific target.

You have to define what it is you are doing. Trading to a simple “profit”, is the easiest thing in the world to do. Enter Long, or Short on Sunday at 3:30pm each week, and you will turn a profit most of the time if you only set a small 10-15 pip profit target. So, no rocket science is needed to do that.


I dont agree simplicity will be reflected in your trading results. All my trading is. simple, wait for a thrust in price action, then wait for a pull back and jump abode.Volatility will give you clues to where the market wants to go.

I give this board a trade well in advance to buy EUR.USD at 1,255, with a target of 1,390 this was hit today for 135 points profit, im nowing waiting for a short if 1,3427 is hit look to short at 1,390.if 1,3427 is not hit look to short at 1,362. start of with 70 point stop,the stop will get moved as price moves in you favour

May I ask TV how much do you stake when placing a trade? Why I ask this is, I have seen highly educated traders with state of the art method/sytems.but when it comes down to placing money (SIZE) on any one trade, they become soft frightened and the glass ceiling draws down on them. You can have the best system in the world and not make money from the market one must remember this.iv'e seen in before.

Do you base all you trades on the start of every sunday,3,30


“All my trading is. simple, wait for a thrust in price action, then wait for a pull back and jump abode.”

What gets defined as goal of trading with this very simple method?

I agree, that is very simple – an under the right conditions it actually works. The problem with that statement is “under the right conditions”. It is a very simple pull back methodology but I see several things that come to mind quickly.

1) When this simple pull back occurs, over what time frame would the currency pair have needed to be moving in either direction such that it meets your definition for “thrust in price action”?

There is a “trust in price action” for every bar of time in existence. 1 minute bar thrusts, 3 minute bar thrusts, 8 minute bar thrusts, 15, 32, 79, 121, 279, 367, etc. But, those are all shorter-term “thrusts”. What about daily thrusts weekly thrusts and monthly thrusts? A time frame, or series of time frames (bars) have to be identified in order to establish both the initiation and termination of the “thrust”. Which leads me to problem number 2.

2) How does one identify the inherent characteristics of the “thrust”?

For bar “X”, thrust could be defined as Xsub1. But, for bar “Y”, the thrust cannot be defined as Xsub1, it must be Ysub1. Therefore, before you can simply “jump in” the trade, you must know with a high degree of certainty not only whether the thrust segment has been initiated by the market, but also the extend (or, Magnitude) of said “thrust”.

You need to know this in order to properly determine (calculate if you are automating this model of trading) the best Probability for the entry. Without having a way to determine the probability for the magnitude of the thrust, you are left with only an educated guess about the timing of the entry. Which brings me to my third problem.

3) Once you have identified “a” thrust. How do you know that “the” thrust is not part of an occluded thrust spanning multiple contiguous bars (overlapping thrusts)? Or, even more interesting, how do you know whether or not your particular “thrust” is not running just prior to a much more powerful thrust in a larger bar, that has the potential of swallowing “your” smaller thrust whole?

There could be a weekly “thrust” just about to break Long, when you witness what you believe to be an hourly or daily thrust breaking Short. So, you “jump in” to the Short side and then get whipsawed back to the stronger reality of the “larger” thrust. So, how do you account for multiple thrust initiations in opposite directions at or near the same time?

I could go on forever with this one. I used to trade like this – basically, Trend Following and it has some severe limitations – especially inside a Horizontal Market. Trend Traders simply don’t have a prayer in Horizontal Markets. Many Wizetraders and 4X MadeEasy traders have been sucked into this big time.

What’s your accuracy rating using this method? Out of the last 100 trades that you have made, how many were successful?

Lastly, how do you determine strategic profit model with “trust pull back trading”? In other words, there must be a pip target or a “price” target in play. Accuracy is a critical component to all trading – more so than consistency. In fact, consistency resides within the domain of accuracy. I can be very consistent and not very accurate at all. However, it is mathematically impossible for me to be accurate AND inconsistent at the exact same time.

So, for the trader “accuracy” drives everything in terms of making progress towards some revenue goal. And, if one does not know what to expect in terms of pips/net gain, then how can one establish a revenue target and then measure against it with any real meaningful measuring rod?

“Volatility will give you clues to where the market wants to go.”

When the dance of the “volatility orchid” is complete, how do you know that its not time to grab your coat & hat and head home, but rather sit tight and enjoy the short break in the action while everyone grabs some refreshments from the bar? In other words, volatility is great – after the fact. Admittedly, it is a very good educated guessing tool – but not a real hard hitting “projector” of things to come.

What if I told you that there was a way to know where the next batch of “volatility” was most likely to come from, before it actually happened? This would clearly demonstrate that waiting around for volatility to “happen”, is not very optimal.

I’ve created a system indicator called Distinct Vega (one of many core system indicators). It is a volatility indicator. Vega means volatility. Distinct simply means that it is unique and different from all other measures of volatility – hence the term: Distinct Vega. What if I told you that volatility occurs in not just one dimension (as most all other measures of volatility indicate), but that volatility can actually be measured in five (5) different dimensions? And, what if I told you that Distinct Vega is light years ahead of regular volatility in measuring the optimal Direction for the trade AND the Magnitude of the trade?

DV was my third core system indicator. However, it was not until 2 years ago that I fully understood its rightful place within the system. It took me years to fully understand its true value. It is one of few multi-purpose indicators within this system.

Volatility is great, but there is a lot more under the hood than most traders are aware of.

“May I ask TV how much do you stake when placing a trade?”

When I trade in Production Mode (meaning with real cash and not a test account), my trades average $2.1 million at present. So, I am a small time trader by any “real” standard in the Forex. That is because I have been trading only sub-part-time while I worked full-time developing this technology – so, for only a part-time trader, I’ve done fairly well.

At this point, finishing this project is more important to me than trading is right now. My target goal is to be in control of a 10 – 11 figure account. Making my first million was simply a matter of following a Revenue Model. My first model used a 30% net gain mimimum, so it took a bit longer to strike my target - 92 planned trades.

The revenue model spec’d out at 92 trades using a 30/100 formula. That simply means a 30% net gain per trade and reinvesting 100% of all profits. Given the fact that the system (which was a different version than the one in use now), I was able to see the revenue goal in 78 actual trades – so 14 trades were truncated. Much the same way I jumped from trade number 6 to trade number 9 on this forum during my test trades.

My current trade number 9 has already far surpassed its revenue target of 50% net gain and right now, I should be starting my next trade at between numbers 13 and 14. This time – a total of only 56 trades will be needed to score in excess of $1 million. That is because I’m using a 50/100 rule, instead of the old 30/100. The reason I did that had to do with the improvement in the system’s overall accuracy rating – so I was able to bump up the expected minimum profit per trade to 50%.

So, while I am a small time trader today – I don’t expect to stay at this level for much longer.

“Why I ask this is, I have seen highly educated traders with state of the art method/sytems.but when it comes down to placing money (SIZE) on any one trade, they become soft frightened and the glass ceiling draws down on them.”

I think that has a lot to do with having confidence in what you build. It is probably easier for someone who comes from a “technical” background because you are already used to having confidence in empirical data.

Bottom line: I think people should eat their own dog food. Right now, I trade no more than 30% of my total account balance. So, my production grade trades of $2.1M represent 30% of the total account balance.

But, to give you an idea of how beautify currency pair trading can be, because I noticed that you are not trading the actual pairs, my current trade number nine which is now at 292% (as I type), would have been a nice $6.132 million if I exited the trade right now 12/20/04 at 7:29pm. This is the beauty of trading – the larger your account balance becomes, the easier taking down revenue targets get – it is poetry in motion. The hardest part is building up a balance that has a chance of becoming super critical.

In my personal opinion, super critical happens near the $150 million mark. Now, that’s just my own personal definition of super critical mass because you really do have a fairly easy shot at your first billion from this vantage point – but you also have enough to reduce your per trade cost basis down to something as small as .01% and still be in the market with more than 7 figures per trade. So, I define super critical mass at this level because everything becomes so easy at this level.

However, with some of the things that I’d like to accomplish in life, $150M simple won’t even pay start-up costs. So, I’ve got a long way to go – and that is why I need a very powerful trading tool and that is why I dedicated what “will be” about 6 years total out of my life to build this. 6 years out of your life including physical problems associated with working too many hours had better come with some payback – and I’m experiencing some of that right now – thankfully.

“Do you base all you trades on the start of every sunday,3,30”

No – this is just a function of the broker and the real-time DDE link data that I receive into the prototype engine. So, my DDE link does not come on until 3:30pm each Sunday. Because of some of the physical problems that I developed over the past 5 years of working myself into the ground, I no longer do any coding or system development on the weekends (thank goodness). So, now days, I don’t see my system until early Monday morning – which is the way it should be. No more weekends.

Why not simply read the original post as everyone else did and take not of the date of the post.? The original post is at the top of this thread along with all of the updates in separate posts that relate to it. You might also read the inline responses from those who actually read the original post and followed the trade.

Their posts are also near the top of this thread. They followed the trade and saw the results which lead to their comments being posted in this thread.

The answer to your question is fairly easy to get to with a simple reading of the thread as it stands. That’s what those who were genuinely interested in the “trade” actually did – they “read”. The rest of the idiots were not interested in the trade or its resounding success, so they ridiculed something that basically kicked them in the butt.

You can also read the thread titled: To: D998. In my third (3rd) post of that thread on 12/17/04 at 6:20pm, I clearly tell D998 that I had entered Long at $1.3240 on 12/17/04 and would HOLD LONG at least until Sunday at 3:30 pm pacific when my engine updates.

You can then clearly see that the close “price” of the EURUSD struck $1.3410 on that Monday and then $1.3411 that Tuesday (today) for approximately 170 pips.

All of this is very easily seen by the reader. I won’t be posting any more live profiles on this board. This board had the chance and blew it. I will, however, stick around for those who have intelligent questions about the trading technology that I have built. The rest is pointless drivel as far as I am concerned. When the intelligent questioning of this system is over – I’m gone.
TradeVector said:

Why not simply read the original post as everyone else did and take not of the date of the post.?

I did and it doesn't make sense. You posted on the 15/12/04 about the week starting 12/12/04 and you entered the trade on 12/10/04, two months earlier.

If the 12/10/04 was supposed to be the 12/12/04, it is still 3 days before your post, so I don't see how this proves anything. Never mind, I have better things to do as well.


  • 2.GIF
    27.5 KB · Views: 289
In America 12/10/04 means the 10th of December 2004. They normally put the month before the date.
Roberto said:
In America 12/10/04 means the 10th of December 2004. They normally put the month before the date.

So does the week of 12/12/04 mean the week starting 12/12/04? If so, the entry was two days before the week that TV was talking about. I don't get that.
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In America 12/12/04 means the 12th of December 2004. They normally put the month before the date. 🙂
I also called the eur/usd to go long at 1,255 with a target of 1,3390 this was hit, its posted on this thread in advance. I also said im going short if it breaks 1.3362, Im willing to post along side TV to compare my simple method to his complex method if he wishes. not that its a competition just to prove a KISS method can be just as good or better than a complex method of trading


"I also said im going short if it breaks 1.3362, Im willing to post along side TV to compare my simple method to his complex method if he wishes."

Which means you just got triggered Short the EURUSD. But, it does not say anything about what your target will be and what your expected number of pips will be, nor anything about your expected time in the trade as my first Parameter post did. So, if you are going to trade along side Tradevector, you will need a bit more definition in your trade calls.

There needs to be a way of determine when you have arrived at your stated goal. I cound enter in either direction (Long or Short) right now on the EURUSD and I am guaranteed to net at least 175 pips in either direction if I am willing to hold on to it long enough. But, that's not the type of Production Level trading that I do. I trade for very specific purposes - to grow the account balance geometrically on a specific schedule.

If you can match that - the I'll post my trades side-by-side with yours and we'll see if your simple method can keep up with a complex one.

Now, I've just entered my Long position at 6:36pm pacific at $1.3363 which is just one pip above your Short entry. My target is $1.3430 and it is a dynamically controlled target – so it will change as time goes on. My event horizon is 2 hours to 48 hours. I could give more detail, but it is not necessary since this is not a Trade Profile for the purposes of having people evaluate my system.

At the end of this typing – I am already at break-even. Ooops – spoke to soon – I’m now up $24.00.


Just so you understand what I'm doing here, I'm now on trade number 13 of 56. If you recall, I started on this forum with trade number 5 of 56. Using the revenue model that designed for this system, after 56 trades, the actual account balance should be in excess of $1M.

My trade number 9 (which was posted under the “To: D998” thread) was closed at a 230% net gain - it was as high as 304%, but I got busy with other things today and was not able to focus on my test trading – so I left some cash on the table.

The revenue model that I use will move $1,000 to over $1M after 56 trades assuming no losses. If there are losses, then it will take a little while longer. The model seeks 50% net gain per trade. The cost basis for this trade number 13 is $1,200.00, so that means I need to see $600.00 on this trade to remain inline with plan and to progress to number 14 of 56.

I’m now down $144.00 and you should be up about 5 pips thus far at the time of this posting.

You will need to update this thread with your Target, Time-Line for the Trade. We already know your Entry Point and your trade type (Short). But, the other info is needed, or there will be no way to track the efficacy of your call.

Now, down $216.00 and you should be up 9 pips according to Interbank.
Revenue Target Struck


Per your request to trade “side-by-side” so you could show the world how your “minimalist” system was equal to the “complex” system, the Revenue Target has just been taken out on 12/22/04 at approximately 8:00am pacific, with a 62% net gain on this trade. Waiting for minimum design target to be taken out as well.

My system shows that the EURUSD had to make this move from below what I call the Meridian (a calculated point between four (4) different Price Targets). Moves from the opposite side of the Meridian typically have extreme volatility associated with them until it breaks the Meridian to the side of the trade signal. We see that happening here.

Does your system give you advanced warning of Turbulent Trade Conditions? Mine throws up a Text Message in English that says something like: “Heavy Turbulence Expected”, or “Wind Shear Expected”. That way, I know to hold on to my hat for a bumpy ride. Right now, the systems FX Radar™ shows “Wind Shear” conditions along the Trajectory, but the signal is still Long. This is why we are seeing what all the news wires and chat rooms are calling a ”too volatile condition on the EURUSD”. Check some of those news feeds and chat rooms out right now – they are buzzing with confusion on what the EURUSD is doing.

Are you still Short? If so, based on your entry you are now looking at a 25 to 31 pip Draw Down. Is this typical for your system?
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