Weekly forecast for S&P 500

I wish trading was like being a weatherman...you amost never have to be right, but you still get paid very well.

On that note this trading weatherman says stormy seas ahead, cold front continuing, temperature (S&P index) dropping.

I wish trading was like being a weatherman...you amost never have to be right, but you still get paid very well.

On that note this trading weatherman says stormy seas ahead, cold front continuing, temperature (S&P index) dropping.


I agree its going to drop but how much is the question ?

Could be down to 980 imvho

I agree its going to drop but how much is the question ?

Could be down to 980 imvho


Now you're pushing it. I am just excited about getting the direction right! But, if I must hazzard a guess I think it settles near 1050 by end of week.

I believe this week markets will refrain their droppin, so Ill go with 1116, good luck on your trading.
Can't compete with hw's pics of the Rockies but showing the view across the river to Falmouth from my bedroom window


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For Week Ending Friday 28th May

Although hwsteele was nearest, dpinpon got the direction correct and that in my view makes him this week's winner

So congratulations

I still think the trend is down and last week was a small pull-back so I'll kick off with a forecast of 1061
Thanks PAT, believe volatility will continue hard on us, bit down bit up, much up and down too. What i mean is, enjoy the roller coaster and 1080 is my bet.
Congrats to the winner last week and I will say 1123 for this Friday
Ive got tomorrow (June 4) as a down day (wall street pro's may try to scare out some weak longs before weekend)

Next week monster up....SPX 1140-1160+ ?

Next week is New Moon with a bullish Venus 120 degrees Jupiter formation into June 10-14 area.
Ive got tomorrow (June 4) as a down day (wall street pro's may try to scare out some weak longs before weekend)

Next week monster up....SPX 1140-1160+ ?

Next week is New Moon with a bullish Venus 120 degrees Jupiter formation into June 10-14 area.

i have June 9 and June 14 as critical days...


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Looking for SPX 1140-1160 by next Friday/Monday

This guy here is even more bullish than me....

After dipping to 1061, the SPX closed at its 61.8% retracement from the orthodox high of 1104 on May 27th. The last 5-TD has unfolded as an Irregular Flat. An Irregular Flat in the Wave-2 position indicates the upcoming Wave-3 rally will be exceptionally powerful and extended on the order of 2.618 (versus a normal 1.618) of Wave-1; which projects to 1226.

The action over the last few weeks has scared the chit out of the retail investor and released the required inventory needed to push these markets back up through the 200-day MA,50-day MA, and beyond. Quoting DW, "the boyz are in complete control".

Have Great Weekend!


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I have those days as tops of maybe waves c and e back up. Dow down -338. Bought long on close.

bulls....let's rock
..incidently, heres what my May calendar looked like, for a frame of reference ... deadly accurate:clap:....


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..incidently, heres what my May calendar looked like, for a frame of reference ... deadly accurate:clap:....
Fwiw, i agree the 9th is likely a turn point high. What will turn it lower? What excuse will cnbc try to blame a turn on? Spain and Portugal got the bond markets that day to raise capital! lol... im of the opinion that the 14 th will be a low however . Note its proximity to Kools 12-13 day low which has been consistant back to last Feb AT LEAST!Also, note 1216.75-1036.75 low on May 25th, gives an Hw steele turn due 18 calendar days later on the 12th (a weekend ) so the effect is likely to be seen Monday the 14th.:cool:
For Week Ending Friday 4th June

The S&P 500 closed at 1064.88 after a big fall on Friday

Well well that's me the nearest with 1061


Good luck to everyone next week

As Confucius might have said - diligence pays off
I am reckoning on a small pull-back next week and therefore
forecast 1076