And as always congrats to Pat for Number 6.👍
For Week Ending Friday 24th September at 1148.7
Oh yes ! the winner this week is hwsteele.
Well done
Pat .............6
hwsteele .......5
wackypete .....4
Gaffs ...........4
N. Rothschild ..2
dpinpon ........1
Elitejets ........1
luckyd 1976 ....1
we are going sub 1000 by end of October. With a spike to 1160 possibly. things about to get wild.
like a blow torch through butter.
Hi Guys,
My weekly forecast for the last week of Sept is still Bullish, but weakening.
Why you on here this late? I thought you left?!
Also why you think things are gonna get wild?
now that would be telling
now that would be telling