
Quote: Originally Posted by gedward3
"Has it ever occurred to you that some people may like the 9 to 5 with a weekend off."

I read this post,..and a particular speech at Berkeley University came to mind !
Employed work is slavery and you have to answer to your employers for a large part of your existence.

That is why slaves enjoy the weekend so much because the leg irons have been unlocked and the employees are allowed to go home, if they are lucky. They are free from the whims of their employers and masters for something like 64 hours and so enjoyment has to be the # 1 objective before the clamps are put back in place at 9am on Monday.

I please myself what I do 7 days a week. If I care to work and make money then fine, if I don't then also fine.

I cannot imagine becoming obsessive about anything to do with work, except perhaps the avoidance of it.

For the major part of my life, ever since getting my degree and professional qualifications, I have charted a pretty successful course through the wilderness of work and play, and managed to be financially successful without ever trying very hard.

I engaged cruise control at around the age of 26 and the button is still firmly depressed some decades on.

My major personal motto has always been, " Never do today what can be put off until tomorrow ".

It appears to have worked.

Have you come from a privileged background AA,I am not the sort of person that will argue with someone out of ego or judge them by the manner of their post ,but that is the biggest pile "I love me crap" I have seen on these threads.
Have you come from a privileged background AA,I am not the sort of person that will argue with someone out of ego or judge them by the manner of their post ,but that is the biggest pile "I love me crap" I have seen on these threads.

what, more than me? :-0
Have you come from a privileged background AA,I am not the sort of person that will argue with someone out of ego or judge them by the manner of their post ,but that is the biggest pile "I love me crap" I have seen on these threads.

I'll put off my response until tomorrow SH.

Remember, never do today .........etc etc. 😆
everyone needs a rest, if you are trading then you are also "working" Mon-Friday as you have to watch the markets etc. you'd have thought given the financial crisis people would have realised that the UK needs engineering & manufacturing....too many think banking / finance is the only way. Trading is useless to society !!!
tell me the good it brings to the country, economically, socially etc. ??? science, engineering, manufacturing etc. makes Britain stronger, we have relied too much on banking & finance and look where that got us !! lol
advfntrader,....Here's an excerpt from a blog, I just pinched to help you on your way:

"Trade was important to all ancient civilizations, it did not only bring the necessary products and primary materials but was also the source of new knowledge. New ideas and techniques were thus exchanged and allowed cultures to grow and become wealthier.
The same was the case for Mesopotamia and the Sumerians. They lived in the southern part of the Fertile Crescent and lacked many basic materials which the North could provide. Soon the traders would venture beyond the lands known to them and make contact with other cultures like Egypt.
Both in Mesopotamia and Egypt proof of trade as early as the middle of the 4th century B.C. has been found. It was this exchange that made them both progress so quickly even if their cultures were completely different."

BTW: I think you might be generalizing, somewhat,..
Hilary I think you're confusing trading in the modern sense with trading in the context of that blog which is what I would call commerce