Weekend trading

Osho- as far i know, everything is shut from about 9 pm on Friday, until about 10.30pm on Sunday night, when the forex starts-

I guess we are human beings and need some rest- LOLLL

There is a local produce market on a sunday morning from around 4am.

You can trade everything from cattle to beets, what ever takes your fancy 😉

I was thinking of people who are in full time jobs but want to make a beginning in trading something .
i would love to be able to trade through the weekends, i love it through the week and am gutted when it closes friday night lol...am i sad? =D
i would love to be able to trade through the weekends, i love it through the week and am gutted when it closes friday night lol...am i sad? =D

Not at all feel like this quite a bit of the time! If you've had a really good week, you can't wait for the market to re-open. Having said that, 7 day trading would be brutal - I'm glad it's only 5 days when it really comes down to it! :cheesy:
But you don't have to trade every day. You can choose Tuesday and Wednesday to be your weekend.
But you don't have to trade every day. You can choose Tuesday and Wednesday to be your weekend.

It's true - Monday to Friday you can take your pick. It's the fact that you have an obligatory holiday on Saturday-Sunday whether you like it or not.

Actually, it's not the not being able to trade, its more not knowing whether the market will gap up or down on the next open. Trading FX is not so bad in this respect, as you can take a peek at XE.com for a look at the latest spot price if you're desperate. If you trade futures though, you just have to be patient!
There are too many unknowns at the moment, and a nice outbreak of porcine flu would send already jittery markets all over the shop. I see the airlines are already taking a battering off the back of it - down 10% today already.

I trade emerging market indices, and they don't trade even 24 hours during the week. There's great profit potential, but I've already decided to go flat for a day or two until the impact of the latest round of news has settled in. I know it's a slim possibility, but if we have a major pandemic which infects the UK, at the very least there will be rabid panic, nevermind actual casualties.
Totally agree, 9pm Friday night when trading closes, it's like "what do I do now?" You can start Australia (and therefore gold, indices etc.) on Sunday night. But weekends are cold turkey. But you can ...

1. Set up your cashflow and strategy for next week.
2. Read research on small cap long hold stocks.
3. Learn a bit of Forex theory (if you trade stocks/indices) or vice versa.
4. Try and make sense of all this exotic maths.
5. Play Triviador on Facebook.
6. Eat
7. Talk to your family.

In that order if you're on here 🙂
You can trade the UAE Markets on sunday. I have never traded them as I concentrate on the U.S markets. There is a thread by Amerf1 on the UAE markets in the Asia-Pacific Stocks section or you could play poker.