Weekend Idle Chatter about trading or whatever.

Mr. Charts

Legendary member
We are living more and more in a 1984 Britain where government and control and constant surveillance have crept up on us in the 10 years of Socialism by Stealth.
With the Stalinist Brown soon to be appointed Our Revered and Great Leader, it can only get worse.
And as for our one day of democracy every five years, the Tories are not offering a real alternative philosophy of government. As for the Liberal Democrats, they are just as bad.
Stalinist Brown
New Skin Tory Twit Cameron
Coffin Escapee Ming Campbell

OK I'm off out into the sunshine of the garden and my blossoming trees to drink cappuccino and read the Daily ToryGraph before they get banned.
I have gone for the 2nd last on your list.
Whilst I still have an interest in England. Its' 'leaders' and government live with their heads in the clouds, and have no grasp of life as it really is.

The influx of 'acceptable' and indeed 'unacceptable' immigrants and policies are driving a lot of people away.
It has become a defunct society. The few are paying for the many. It cannot go on. It will end with another crash and it is not that far away.

How much further can they raise income tax and other 'stealth' taxes before people have no 'spare' money left?
House prices are still rising, 100% + mortgages are still being offered,
yet, the interest rate had begun to creep up. People will not be able to pay, lose jobs, houses get reposed etc, etc.

Us old 'uns have seen it all before. History repeats and will always do so while a 'new' generation takes over.

They give nursing staff a kick in the teeth insulting pay rise, yet manage to give themselves a substantial pay increase and screw everyone else into the bargain.

Democracy? They should all be stood against the wall and ****ing shot!

I have made myself a immigrant in a country where I do not speak the language properly yet. A second class citizen. With a government that could be worse than the English one. They are the same the world over. House prices have hit the roof over here. The locals cannot afford to buy .
There is a Spanish land grab going on which surely must be illegal, and yet they can get away with it because they are the "government."

But at least I have the sunshine and it is not such a sky high place to live as London.

“Stalinist”? I would say “Fascist” but the difference is probably academic. I suspect there is an implicit admiration for the likes of right-wing, reactionaries like Straw, Clarke, Blunkett from your Torygraph (although admission would be heretical).

As a life-long Labour support, I hate them with a passion, especially Brown who will screw us further via increased direct and indirect taxes, and return us to the “loony left”, and epitomised by Ken Livingstone.

This country is going pc loony – witness the episode of the sacking of the ex-army tory MP. If being called a “black bstrd” is the only concern of a soldier, fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan must be a doddle. What constitutes rascism is nothing more than reflections of popular thought re moslems, refugees, asylum seekers (never blacks). If everyone who held such views was imprisoned all my local boozers would be empty.

Cappuccino? British tea not good enough? Are you a communist, Richard?

Grant .
grantx said:

“Stalinist”? I would say “Fascist” but the difference is probably academic. I suspect there is an implicit admiration for the likes of right-wing, reactionaries like Straw, Clarke, Blunkett from your Torygraph (although admission would be heretical).

As a life-long Labour support, I hate them with a passion, especially Brown who will screw us further via increased direct and indirect taxes, and return us to the “loony left”, and epitomised by Ken Livingstone.

This country is going pc loony – witness the episode of the sacking of the ex-army tory MP. If being called a “black bstrd” is the only concern of a soldier, fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan must be a doddle. What constitutes rascism is nothing more than reflections of popular thought re moslems, refugees, asylum seekers (never blacks). If everyone who held such views was imprisoned all my local boozers would be empty.

Cappuccino? British tea not good enough? Are you a communist, Richard?

Grant .

I totally agree about the PC madness. But the suggestion that we're taxed to the hilt isn't supported by the facts, is it? And that is a question). I'm sure the overall level of taxation has been constant (near enough) for years, even under Thatcher.

An annoying local story is of a family who are having to pay for sign language classes to communicate with their deaf toddler (£5 per hour, each). Yet my wife works in a surgery where the parents of English speaking immigrant children (who could easily translate) are provided with a translator on £50 per hour. Enter the country illegally and you can turn up to a one on one with a paid "smoking cessation counsellor" to tell you that smoking is bad for you (no ****, read the packet). If you can't speak English, don't worry the same £50 per hour translator is on hand. The blood boils.

I like the Torygraph. We get it on a Saturday only and it's good to see definite opinions expressed sometimes. You can shout "yeah, the commies ARE taking over !".
Otherwise it's The Times which is the only unbiased paper in this country, an actual NEWSpaper.

I was brought up in a slum in Leeds and we had a bottle of advocaat my dad had been given as a present one Xmas. I secretly took my first sip of alcohol from it - without realising the level had been marked with pencil. I had my mouth washed out with soap for being so evil as to try alcohol.

All political parties are made up of those out to line their own pockets in one way or another.
All my life I have believed your best choice is to go for the least worst choice. Sad in a way, but belief in a political party always leads to disappointment or even worse. Maybe it's very healthy to distrust all of them.

Me a commie ? ! I thought they were either extinct or hiding behind the facade of 11 Downing Street.

Actually my son brought me a Cinnamon Dolce Frappuccino from *bux - wonderful drink with some Amaretti biccies for a lazy Saturday afternoon on the first warm sunny day of Spring.
Cappuccinos are only drunk in Italy in the morning - there's another piece of totally useless info for anyone looking for "a chateaux in Tuscany" (I fancy calling that a tautological oxymoron - like I want to put an "e" between the "g" and "m" in judg-ment) - see the Plain Vanilla Thread ;-).

Does anybody else suffer from a wish to change the language and literature?
Like, "Come friendly bombs RAIN down on Slough", instead of FALL ?

PS Tea is British ! ? What, just like India ? ;-))
the blades said:
I totally agree about the PC madness. But the suggestion that we're taxed to the hilt isn't supported by the facts, is it? And that is a question). I'm sure the overall level of taxation has been constant (near enough) for years, even under Thatcher.


Hi the blades

I was under the impression that we were under a steady regime of increasing taxation, so I went and looked.

Interestingly although it is on a steady rise with the so called stealth taxes, its not yet back at the level of Thatch's reign.


• Net taxes and National Insurance contributions have risen from 34.8% of national
income in 1996–97 to 36.3% in 2004–05. According to Treasury projections,
these will rise to 38.5% of national income in 2008–09. This would be the highest
level since 1984–85.
• Total government revenues have averaged 38.4% of national income under the
two Labour governments, compared with 40.6% over the 18 years of
Conservative government from 1979 to 1997. According to Treasury forecasts,
revenues will equal 39.3% of national income in 2005–06, rising to 40.6% by
2009–10. This would be the highest level since 1988–89.
• Over Labour’s two parliaments since 1997, current receipts have risen by 3.5% a
year on average, in real terms, while national income rose by 2.8% on average,
leaving national income minus tax to rise at 2.4% on average.
• Of the total £28.5 billion revenue increase seen since 1996–97, £19.1 billion was
due to discretionary changes to the tax system, with the remainder being due to
the impact of the economy on overall revenues. The largest discretionary change
occurred in the first Budget after the 2001 election (the Spring 2002 Budget),
which increased taxes to yield an additional £9.9 billion by 2005–06.
• Between 1997 and 2005, the UK saw one of the highest increases in revenues
among OECD countries, although the UK remains a low-tax economy compared
with EU countries.


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But isn’t portraying inhabitants of the East End and Manchester as cretins and retards potentially harmful in that it could produce stereotypes? Don’t get me started on the Archers – drop one of Richard’s friendly bombs on Ambridge, I say.


Isn’t the tax take as a proportion of GDP greater? And isn’t council tax ever-increasing (and possibly due for another upwards revision)? Yes, Thatcher introduced it, but Labour are making it worse. Of course, I stand corrected if I’m wrong.

The translator point is amazing/depressing, but not really surprising. Shout loud enough, and they’ll understand.


“Cinnamon Dolce Frappuccino…Amaretti biccies”. Italian communist.

Another piece of totally useless information: Cappuccino is named after the Capuchin monks’ gowns, being brown (or black) with a white hood.

India is still British, Richard, just like the US is one of our largest colonies.


Just seen Lightning's post. I won't argue with the figures. But what really annoys me is the council tax is not based on income (like income tax) but on that which is beyond control - property prices. This is why pensioners are seeming the erosion of their pensions.
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More random thoughts...

I get the Sunday Telegraph delivered once a week, it's the only newspaper I ever read. (The first thing I do is the 2 Sudoko puzzles whilst lying in bed). However, I'm not a tory - infact I have no interest in politics whatsoever. I'm a fatalist, whatever happens, happens. My goal is simply try to take each day as it comes, and LIVE my life, instead of merely EXISTING. I believe the vast majority of people exist, very few actually live. There's a big difference. Perhaps it takes being involved in some terrible accident or something for you to appreciate really simple things we take for granted, like feeling the warmth of the sun on our face as we stroll through the park.

I too am emigrating. My house is on the market. A couple were supposed to be viewing this morning at 11am. The doorbell rang at 10.30 whilst we were still tidying etc. It was couple, carrying a copy of "Watchtower", who asked me "Do I believe in God". Now normally I'd be very rude indeed, and just shut the door without speaking a word. For some reason today, I decided to entertain them, and commenced a 10 minute philosophical discussion with two complete strangers. How odd??? She asked me whether I wanted a copy of her leaflet. I declined, and they left. We each wished each other well.

With 6 billion people on the planet, each with their own view, I often wonder why there aren't more wars. Surely its only a matter of time before we all kill each other. Religion is a major cause of conflict of course. That's why I'm a fatalist, and I've never voted. It's all bo*****s. We'll never live in harmony. I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist. I just relax, smile and live and let live.

After having done T'ai Chi for 7 years I realised that EVERYTHING is circular. Everything has a beginning, middle and end; or birth, life and death. I care not which government is in power. Let's face it, it will hardly make any difference whether we're governed by Labour or Conservative. "Cash for honours". Who cares??? Don't get me wrong, some things make my blood boil, and some things move me. Cash for honours does neither.

I'd like to live near the sea, and wake to the sound of the surf crashing on the beach. I'd get up, walk a few steps onto the sand, have a big stretch, and then run along the beach, and thank GOD that I'm fit, healthy and ALIVE!! This excites me greatly.
Yeah, what is all this integration...all living in harmony nonsense....if I don't like somebody ...well thats my prerogative...certainly aint being told what to do and when to do it and who I have to get on with ....all bollux ....rant over :LOL:

Interesting reading.

First off, I wasn’t bashing the Torygraph – it is a good paper; it’s the columnists, Lord Deedes, A N Wilson, etc I can’t stand. Same with the Independent – good paper, terrible columnists. FT – good news, rest absolute garbage.

Living and existing. Unfortunately, for the majority very true. And Labour hasn’t helped.

I also regard myself as a fatalist (and realist); optimist/pessimist always ring hollow to me. I think it’s sad that people feel the need to emigrate. Personally, I don’t care much for this country (how many times have you heard that from friends/acquaintances). However, I don’t think I could leave entirely. I keep looking at property prices in the South of France, specifically around Antibes/Nice/Juan-les-Pins (for the jazz festival). It’s also convenient for Italy. I can see your point re the beach. Tempting for a few months escape, especially from our climate. Where are you moving to?

Is Tai Chi exercise or is their an underlying philosophy as well? Does it help you?

"Another piece of totally useless information: Cappuccino is named after the Capuchin monks’ gowns, being brown (or black) with a white hood.

India is still British, Richard, just like the US is one of our largest colonies."

Yes, I know. History lessons at my school only went up to 1776.
Must catch up some time.
Has anything significant happened since?
Were the monks named after Capuchin monkeys.....?
Bit disappointed about The Dolce Vita Code film.
Must stop looking for TRUTH and FACTS, as our dear departed used to say.
grantx said:

But isn’t portraying inhabitants of the East End and Manchester as cretins and retards potentially harmful in that it could produce stereotypes? Don’t get me started on the Archers – drop one of Richard’s friendly bombs on Ambridge, I say.


Isn’t the tax take as a proportion of GDP greater? And isn’t council tax ever-increasing (and possibly due for another upwards revision)? Yes, Thatcher introduced it, but Labour are making it worse. Of course, I stand corrected if I’m wrong.

The translator point is amazing/depressing, but not really surprising. Shout loud enough, and they’ll understand.


“Cinnamon Dolce Frappuccino…Amaretti biccies”. Italian communist.

Another piece of totally useless information: Cappuccino is named after the Capuchin monks’ gowns, being brown (or black) with a white hood.

India is still British, Richard, just like the US is one of our largest colonies.


Just seen Lightning's post. I won't argue with the figures. But what really annoys me is the council tax is not based on income (like income tax) but on that which is beyond control - property prices. This is why pensioners are seeming the erosion of their pensions.

Do you remember the old world map? If it's red, it's ours. :cool:

I've been out 42 years, but if it's just the nice weather and beaches you are after, go on holiday to Brighton in the summer, there are less people! Don't forget, for 40 quid you can get a flight to Spain, which makes me stay at home, in Barcelona, during that period..

Lower taxes? You've got to be kidding. Our politicians learn any new tricks from yours. What's that about the car tax in the cities? What a great idea Ken Lingstone! That one hasn't caught on yet, but it will. ;)

options said:
I have gone for the 2nd last on your list.
Whilst I still have an interest in England. Its' 'leaders' and government live with their heads in the clouds, and have no grasp of life as it really is.

The influx of 'acceptable' and indeed 'unacceptable' immigrants and policies are driving a lot of people away.
It has become a defunct society. The few are paying for the many. It cannot go on. It will end with another crash and it is not that far away.

How much further can they raise income tax and other 'stealth' taxes before people have no 'spare' money left?
House prices are still rising, 100% + mortgages are still being offered,
yet, the interest rate had begun to creep up. People will not be able to pay, lose jobs, houses get reposed etc, etc.

Us old 'uns have seen it all before. History repeats and will always do so while a 'new' generation takes over.

They give nursing staff a kick in the teeth insulting pay rise, yet manage to give themselves a substantial pay increase and screw everyone else into the bargain.

Democracy? They should all be stood against the wall and ****ing shot!

I have made myself a immigrant in a country where I do not speak the language properly yet. A second class citizen. With a government that could be worse than the English one. They are the same the world over. House prices have hit the roof over here. The locals cannot afford to buy .
There is a Spanish land grab going on which surely must be illegal, and yet they can get away with it because they are the "government."

But at least I have the sunshine and it is not such a sky high place to live as London.

I be an ol' bugger like Options and will soon go to France to retire/trade/paint/drink coffeee ( I would love to smoke a cigar after a large whisky but I'm told it's not pc these days). I live in Cornwall but made the mistake of coming back after a thirty year absence - things have changed - plethora of second homes, locals cannot afford to buy, land being grabbed for building, trees being felled for housing and both summer and winter see increasing levels of traffic.
Mr. Charts said:
I like the Torygraph. We get it on a Saturday only and it's good to see definite opinions expressed sometimes. You can shout "yeah, the commies ARE taking over !".
Otherwise it's The Times which is the only unbiased paper in this country, an actual NEWSpaper.

I was brought up in a slum in Leeds and we had a bottle of advocaat my dad had been given as a present one Xmas. I secretly took my first sip of alcohol from it - without realising the level had been marked with pencil. I had my mouth washed out with soap for being so evil as to try alcohol.

All political parties are made up of those out to line their own pockets in one way or another.
All my life I have believed your best choice is to go for the least worst choice. Sad in a way, but belief in a political party always leads to disappointment or even worse. Maybe it's very healthy to distrust all of them.

Me a commie ? ! I thought they were either extinct or hiding behind the facade of 11 Downing Street.

Actually my son brought me a Cinnamon Dolce Frappuccino from *bux - wonderful drink with some Amaretti biccies for a lazy Saturday afternoon on the first warm sunny day of Spring.
Cappuccinos are only drunk in Italy in the morning - there's another piece of totally useless info for anyone looking for "a chateaux in Tuscany" (I fancy calling that a tautological oxymoron - like I want to put an "e" between the "g" and "m" in judg-ment) - see the Plain Vanilla Thread ;-).

Does anybody else suffer from a wish to change the language and literature?
Like, "Come friendly bombs RAIN down on Slough", instead of FALL ?

PS Tea is British ! ? What, just like India ? ;-))

.And even John B. wished that the sea would come roaring into the Cornish inlets and wash away the caravan parks. ( Quick - another whisky )
free level 2

anyone know of a site where i can get free level 2 info from.
some time ago we ran a small sidnicate getting it free for a month at a time, if anyones knows where we could do that again it would be most helpful.

My 2p's worth.
Let's face it, politics is the last occupation where you can reach the top
by judicious a*se licking, unlike trading where you need REAL ability which
only comes from knowledge and experience.
At one time people entered
politics in order to try and make the world a better place. They started
off by being elected onto the local council and after a few years they
could be chosen as a local MP, if they were ambitious. The last Prime
Minister to rise this way was John Major - Ok not exactly a good PM.
These day's if you want to become an MP you leave Uni and
become a gofer/bag carrier for some politician and after spending 2/3
years networking inside Westminster you then get chosen to fight,, at
least one election, in a constituency which your party has no hope
of winning, so as to get "blooded", and then, if you've been thorough
in your networking, you get short listed for a safe constituency.
This way you can become an MP with no experience of the real
I definitely get the feeling that politics is becoming a branch of
celebrity world, a feeling reinforced by the political journalists reporting
this circus.
Finally, i truly believe that politicians would like nothing more
than to hand responsibility for decision making to Brussels, leaving them
only to rubber stamp these laws,claim their allowances, and then tell
us that it's "not up to them to change things".
sefty said:
anyone know of a site where i can get free level 2 info from.
some time ago we ran a small sidnicate getting it free for a month at a time, if anyones knows where we could do that again it would be most helpful.


Sefty - this is a general/rant chat threadand you have broken the flow :cheesy:

Place has gone down hill since we left.

Dolce Vita Code. Wasn't that directed by John Galliano or Mario Andretti or some racing driver?


The knock on the door: "Signor, your beautiful home. Now mine. Leave."


At least there's Chalky. Stein can be left to bore himself to death.

I get the Sunday Telegraph delivered once a week

As there is only one Sunday in each week it wouldn't make sense to get the Sunday newspaper delivered more than once a week :)

Talking of the City of Leeds, that is where I went to school and it has changed dramatically from what it was when I was there.
