Ways to trade the FTSE 100 futures


Active member
Hi, new to trading. I am aware that I can spread bet the FTSE 100 index futures and the cost will be the spread (2 points), plus rollover. My exposure is c. £60k (£10 a point)

Is there a more cost-effective way of trading this future? perhaps a dummy guide, many thanks
Hi, new to trading. I am aware that I can spread bet the FTSE 100 index futures and the cost will be the spread (2 points), plus rollover. My exposure is c. £60k (£10 a point)

Is there a more cost-effective way of trading this future? perhaps a dummy guide, many thanks

Most spreadbet brokers are 1pt on FTSE 100. As FTSE is currently around 7000, this is 1/7000 or 0.014%. How cost-effective do you want!

Your exposure is of course not £60k, the index isn't going to go to zero. FTSE moves about 50 pts a day, stops would rarely be more than than, so that's an exposure of £500.