Watch fans

What's your favourite brand of watch - and why?

  • Breitling

    Votes: 4 11.1%
  • IWC

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • Lacroix

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Omega

    Votes: 7 19.4%
  • Patek Philippe

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • Panerai

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • Rolex

    Votes: 4 11.1%
  • Rotary

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Other - Please state in the thread

    Votes: 11 30.6%

  • Total voters
Yes, i rarely wear a watch anyway, especially as i usually carrty a mobile these days. I've worn the omega about 10 times in 6 years. Its a damn heavy thing!

I like to have my wrists free of jewellery. I make up for it with my ear, nose & tongue percings ;) LOL!
Well clearly apart from the few who responded to start with, there are no 'watch fans' present. It's my thread, so I'm closing it before it starts to irritate me.


Re-opened at request.

As someone pointed out to me via PM, I find it frustrating that here we are amongst a community of people who supposedly like making money, and here I am appreciating something I've worked hard for - and you're making it hard work!

Please note that further off-topic posts will be deleted without notice or warning from this point on. If watches aren't your thing then don't comment. Go start another thread instead.
Please note that further off-topic posts will be deleted without notice or warning from this point on. If watches aren't your thing then don't comment. Go start another thread instead.

Get a life and a sense of humour if I were you.

Are you sure rattles aren't your thing ?
Grow up and stop making an idiot of yourself, Yacarob.

Oh, and here - have a infraction whilst you're at it. Custom 15 points, 30 days expiry for being a disruptive influence.


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Grow up and stop making an idiot of yourself, Yacarob

I would say that anyone who admits to wearing a watch because it looks nice, is rather an idiot too wouldn't you say Mr Administrator sir ?
You might say that. I might say that joining in a conversation about watches when you clearly aren't a watch fan is a stupid thing to do.

You've had one infraction. The mood I'm in you'll find yourself with another at this rate, so go away and cool off for a while. This is the last comment I'll make on it.
I would say that anyone who admits to wearing a watch because it looks nice, is rather an idiot too wouldn't you say Mr Administrator sir ?

Calm down dear!
If you prefer to wear a watch that ' onlycost2poundsbackinthedayandneverletsmedown' then fine, perhaps you also pine for the days behind the Berlin Wall where everybody had a 10p watch a 15 p car and 25p box to live in because 'who needs anything better' so be it comrad.:D
I would say that anyone who admits to wearing a watch because it looks nice, is rather an idiot too wouldn't you say Mr Administrator sir ?

If you wear a watch as it looks nice, thats a good sign.

If you wear a watch cos it cost a small fortune, you think it gives you higher status, and you think that wearing it will act as a f*nny magnet, and will make people respect you more, this is is not so.
If you wear a watch as it looks nice, thats a good sign.

If you wear a watch cos it cost a small fortune, you think it gives you higher status, and you think that wearing it will act as a f*nny magnet, and will make people respect you more, this is is not so.

Good post, exactly.

If watches are your 'thang' then thats that.
.....Other watch is anything digital and costing not more than £15/-...Normanny Seiko or similar....

...Have never managed to use any watch with hands as it either goes forward or starts to go slow.......Has happended with best of watches until I gave up at the age of 18...

....I used to have Oris....and then a present from my father of a watch called Favre-Leuba Geneve.....The last one lasted longest before failing as above....

My father tells me that it was the one in link below - 'Bivouac' and not the one I sent earlier....Well I have forgotten what it looked like....I was only 16 or so at that time

...Since then either no watch or digital only....
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A Seamaster fan here, though as I am not a member of the desired target market, it is probably wasted on me.
I have never submerged into brine below 2 metres, I neither loiter on gin palaces in white linen and Tods loafers nor do I dream of being repeatedly asked the time by impressionable blondes. Never mind. As I didn't want a cheesy James Bond branded one or 5kg of stainless steel weighing me down I was pleased to discover a rarer titanium variant. Were it not for this I could just as easily have gone for any other brand. The metal (or what's left of it following altercations with assorted almost-as-rugged solids) has an interesting hue, silver with just a whisper of gold, what I believe marketing ponces would call champagne, as well as being strong and very light. Apparently it's self-healing too, but the scars picked up over ten years say that claim is a white lie, told by the sales lass who, if I am honest, sported sufficient allure to sell me a box of mechanical trading systems in a blink of doe eyes, had she wished.

Sure, the cost is not justified in practical terms. I surprised myself when I bought this as I am not known for financial frivolity and thought I might have caught status anxiety or the more virulent Flashwan Kerrs disease.

But a glance at one with the back off, ticking away with cogs of intricate precision, friction points bejewelled, escapement (?) honed with years of incremental improvement, an understated miracle of engineering in miniature - wot even winds itself! - soon put paid to my concerns. Mechanical watches are wonderful feats of ingenuity. It is satisfying, if mildly alarming, to know I am unlikely to need or wish to buy another watch in my lifetime.

I like Matt's point about moving from cash to slow depreciating (even occasionally appreciating) assets that give daily pleasure. In the same vein I am collecting Eames chairs, a fungible repository for my bottom. They're a lot more fun than the ink on a bank statement and will be cherished for years.

I also like the William Morris attitude of owning only things which are either useful (as long as regularly used) or beautiful and the watch to my eyes fulfils both. A sterile digital would not.

Also, buy cheap, buy twice, as Yorkshiremen are fond of saying.

The really embarassing thing is the wife has now bought a tiny matching ladies' one. She'd always wanted one before we met ... it's not as if we wear the same colour fleeces and sport matching monogrammed dressing gowns as well. It is a quartz model so I remind her often of its inferiority, though she rightly counters with at least it tells the time properly.

I don't really see the appeal of fakes, unless you want others to think you are a man of considerable truck without suffering the outlay. Or you like the look of it, of course. If someone asks if it is real I am apt to lamely reply that if it is imaginary then I must have a gift for telling the time.

If one is to have a weakness for luxury, or a nostalgia for objects with real moving parts not a chip & screen, or a yen to never replace a battery, mechanical watches aren't a bad place to exploit it. I still can't bring myself to call it a 'piece' though. But give me time, it will happen, if 3 minutes too early. :D


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I got bought a Breitling Bentley watch, lovely bit of kit! but hardly ever wear it as too scared of getting mugged. The times I do wear it I make sure I have long sleeves to cover it up. LOL

Looks to me like your 'piece' has seen a fair bit of action ..... maybe you realy are a double oh! :D
if you hunt ebay, maybe. just maybe, that 1930s engraved townscape is back on sale for a whopper!!!

I have two Omega watches - both De Villes. One bought for me by mum and dad and the second bought off ebay - I tend to wear this one more often, but love them both equally. I wear one them every day - even when I've been on site, climbing scaffolding etc etc.

The one mum and dad bought me used to have an engraved back on it - with a 1930's type townscape - think Batman, Gotham City, sort of town view. However I was in an accident in 1992 and the watch was badly damaged and had to go back to Omega for repair - which included a new case. When it came back it had a plain back on it and not my engraved one. I've never been able to get any joy from them in changing it back to the townscape one. It's a shame really

Got the one off ebay for £36 including postage - took it to our local Omega dealer a couple of weeks ago for a new battery and told him the story of where I got it - he told me I'd done very well and gave me a valuation :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:
Saying that, I do have a nice fake omega seafarer, bought on canal street, (chinatown) manhattan, for $25, and it still does the trick 6 years on.
I meant seamaster :eek: . Got it out of the box yesterday, sure enough this kinetic watch still works, and does look pretty damn good for a fake. Its like this one (see link above), but with black instead of navy, and a bit less wave detail on the face. These straps are a bit better quality looking than mine.

I use my watches as alarm clocks, rarely wear them. I bought a basic £10 digital watch from argos in 1997, it still works, and the lithium battery has never been changed. It said the life expectancy of the battery was about 5 years on the box....
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