Was this guy actually psychic?


Junior member
So I've read that Edgar Cayce apparently told a stockbroker that a massive financial disruption was on the horizon..

The Wall Street Crash then happened 6 months on.

Found this from Psychic Future - historical predictions:


Do you think this Edgar Cayce was genuinely psychic?

I mean, if he was, he should have been able to predict trading & financial patterns and make a whole lotta cash.

Perhaps 'psychics' should get into trading?? 😛
There are analysts that have been predicting a stock market crash for the past 2. One day 1 of them will be right and CNBC will interview them calling them a genius, guru, market wizard, etc. That sort of thing has been going on for ever.

There are analysts that have been predicting a stock market crash for the past 2. One day 1 of them will be right and CNBC will interview them calling them a genius, guru, market wizard, etc. That sort of thing has been going on for ever.


hear, hear
I remember three years ago I kept on getting these emails/publications..4 reasons to get out of this market before it crashes..since 2009 its just been going up and up and up. next year when the market does collapse, they'll say "I told you so" and then forget to tell how they missed out on one of the best bull markets in a long long time