Warren Buffet Dropping His Stocks


i found this today, i know this is a sales letter but being an experienced trader, what do you know of this being true? the video the article is all you need to read

- http://www.moneynews.com/MKTNews/bi.../450265?PROMO_CODE=110D8-1&utm_source=taboola
- Newsmax's Aftershock Survival Summit
- https://www.newsmaxstore.com/nm_mag/aftershock_2_47b.cfm?promo_code=110D8-1

it is basically the idea that the economy will coollapse and Warren buffet droping his stocks because he sees where the economy will be going. What do you think
i found this today, i know this is a sales letter but being an experienced trader, what do you know of this being true? the video the article is all you need to read

- Billionaires Dumping Stocks, Economist Knows Why
- Newsmax's Aftershock Survival Summit
- https://www.newsmaxstore.com/nm_mag/aftershock_2_47b.cfm?promo_code=110D8-1

it is basically the idea that the economy will coollapse and Warren buffet dropping his stocks because he sees where the economy will be going. What do you think

Well, since you asked 🙂 I do believe we are in for a collapse...not just a pull back but a major correction, and I wouldn't be surprised to see the DOW hit 6000 and then possibly lower.

The biggest thing is that we can not continue to print money and expect to keep interest rates low. Short term yes, long term no.... Eventually it will catch up. This attempt to stimulate the economy is only a short term solution, that isn't really working.

Yes the market has gone up, but businesses are not hiring, or expanding even with the low interest rates, why? Because they don't know what is going to happen... The effects and costs of Obama Care are just now starting to be realized, so business have increased their profits, by cutting costs. One of the biggest expenses is payroll.

Unemployment number is a farce... It only counts unemployment claims, not the people that have run out of unemployment, or people that took a 30 to 40% pay cut to take a job because they needed one. These people are not going to stimulate the economy, they are probably trying to dig out of a mountain of debt.

The other thing to consider is the baby boomer generation is retiring at the rate of 18000 per day, so some of them may start moving their money, but once it starts to tank, they all will be pulling their money. Could be a very bad chain reaction, once panic sets in look out.

Just my 2 cents, so to sum it up I agree with the assessment.