Wanted cisi study guides, units 1, 2 & 8


Well-known member
Looking for study guides, past exam papers etc. for CISI certification, units 1, 2 & 8

I'm in the UK, will pay cash or swap for trading related educational material (I have tons, so will probably have something you're interested in).

I have the all the BPP books for Level 4 FSA Regs & Professional Integrity, hot off the press. Passed the exam on Wednesday.

Are you interested in those?

I'm looking for £50 plus postage - paid £110 for them and they are unmarked.

If you're interested email me at fnsinclair@gmail.com.


I have unit 8 investment & risk from 7 city. In box, including all cd material( lecture recordings), mock exams, study guide and text book. Passed very late December so all up to date. Only used cd so all books in as new condition.
I am searching to BUY for the latest version of IMC study materials -ideally from CISI or 7city

please get in touch with me (send a private msg) if you have the above and looking to sell

much appreciated
My Email: mchowdhury2020@yahoo.com
Looking for study guides, past exam papers etc. for CISI certification, units 1, 2 & 8

I'm in the UK, will pay cash or swap for trading related educational material (I have tons, so will probably have something you're interested in).

HI There I am looking to buy IMC latest 8Th editions manuals and study materials from BP or 7 City,,,
My email: mchowdhury2020@yahoo.com

I am looking to purchase the COMPLETE set of the 7 City CISI certificates kit (including study material, question bank and exam practice)- Units- 1,2,3,6,7,8,9. In other words, the following units:

Unit 1 - Regulatory Paper
Unit 2 - Securities Paper
Unit 3 - Derivatives Paper
Unit 6 - Principles of Financial Regulation
Unit 7 - Financial Derivatives Paper
Unit 8 - Investment and Risk Paper
Unit 9 - Commodity Derivatives Paper

I am looking for a recent edition.

I am from India, so anyone from India who is willing to sell, may please contact me on crish_r2003@yahoo.co.in.

I have 7 city unit 8 Investment and risk for sale. Complete unused set including mock exams, study text study guide, online log ins for 7 city(that include unit 1 & 3 material too) and CD that contains recordings of all classroom based courses. Will post to anywhere. £50. PM if interested.
you mean you have the complete set of units- 1 , 3 and 8?

can you pls let me know the editions - i.e. which year?

I have the complete set for units 1,3 & 8 in online format. 7 city logins with full recordings of all classroom based learning plus mock exams and all study material. And I also have all paperback books for unit 8 including study guides etc in as new condition. I only used online material to study so unused. Current editions. I bought the whole set for 7city in september and took my exams in December 2010. Pm me if interested. Thanks
where do you stay? I am in Mumbai, India. Can you courier it to me? Is 50 pounds your best price?
Based in London. I will happily post airmail and then email you the online logins. You will need to cover cost of airmail though. Not sure how much that will be. Maybe £5? Yes that is my only price, sorry.
It's fine, Chris has not replied so not sure if he is still interested? It is the financial regulation. I have all the online material for unit 1 including past papers, filmed classroom tutorials and study guides. Unit 3 & 8 is included with all the online study material. If you are interested then as it is computer based I will just provide login details no need for postage. Thanks